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Five minutes with: Edwin Baynes

15 August 2024

2 mins

What’s your job title and how long have you worked at Loughborough?

I’m a Lecturer in Physical Geography and I started working here in June 2020.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Much like any academic, it’s hard to describe a typical day. I’m a quantitative geomorphologist which means I research the processes that shape the Earth’s surface, with a particular focus on mountain landscapes and the impact of Extreme Events like flooding. My research therefore takes me out into the field a lot, or I might be running flume experiments in the lab. Either way, I subsequently end up spending days analysing data at the computer. Much like the research, teaching can involve fieldwork, computer practicals or the traditional lecture.

What’s your favourite project you’ve worked on?

I’m in the process of setting up a ‘Bedrock River Observatory’ (known as the BRO) located in the North Pennines. We’re monitoring in situ erosion processes at a unique field site and quantifying the key controls that set the balance of chemical and physical erosion. It’s great to spend time in a beautiful part of the landscape collecting data that answers some pretty fundamental questions about the landscapes around us.

What is your proudest moment at Loughborough?

I’ve not been here that long, just enough time for one cohort of Geography undergraduates to go through their entire degrees. Seeing their progression from first year through to graduation was great.

What is something you do outside of work?

Unsurprisingly given my research area, I try to spend as much time as possible outdoors, especially in the mountains. I can usually be found hiking or cycling.

What is your favourite quote?

“Every element of the landscape has an origin and a history. To relate these is to explain it.” – G.K. Gilbert (1896)

If you would like to feature in ‘5 Minutes With’, or you work with someone who you think would be great to include, please email Sadie Gration at

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