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Five minutes with: Imogen Heaton

20 June 2024

3 mins

What’s your job title and how long have you been at Loughborough?

I’ve been here three years and I’m a Technical Tutor.

Tell us what a typical day in your job looks like?

Everyday varies greatly between year groups and semesters. The day often starts with the age-old technician question; what instrument is broken today? Then onto teaching, putting out (metaphoric) fires as they arise during the sessions and making sure all students leave the lab with the data they need for assessments.

Outside of my core teaching, I am also one of the Professional Services Voices on the Maia committee. I always look forward to Maia events as they are such a great way to meet colleagues across campus. I’ve also learnt some new skills and I especially enjoyed the self-defence class at the last International Women’s Day. I also work with other technicians in a sustainability group to promote improving sustainability within labs and building a network of support and best practices.

What’s your favourite project you’ve worked on?

My favourite project to be involved with has been the introduction of Technical Apprentices across the University. I developed pathways for the science laboratory apprentices with the input of other colleagues and was lucky enough to employ Michael as an apprentice in my lab. Michael is now moving onto his next placement, but over the last six months it’s been brilliant having him in the lab, partly because he bakes the most amazing sweet treats for the tech team, partly because he’s taken total ownership of glassware prep and tests out new experiment ideas with enthusiasm.

What is your proudest moment at Loughborough?

My proudest moment happens yearly when our Chemistry students graduate. I am always so happy to have watched them develop year on year and to hear their plans post-graduation. It will be extra special this year as my first part A cohort will be graduating.

Tell us something you do outside of work that we might not know about?

I play a lot of tennis. Although if you have ever worked with me you will know this as I talk a lot about tennis and during the summer match season I often hobble into work complaining that being another year older seems to add another injury to the list!

What is your favourite quote?

“Face your fears; live your passions, be dedicated to your truth.” – Billie Jean King

If you would like to feature in ‘5 Minutes With’, or you work with someone who you think would be great to include, please email Sadie Gration at

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