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Five minutes with: Varuna De-Silva

25 September 2024

1 mins

What is your job title and how long have you worked at Loughborough?

I’m a Reader in Digital Technologies and I’ve worked here for 7 years.

Tell us what a typical day looks like for you?

Coffee, emails, networking with colleagues, telco meetings, visiting the lab, speaking with students, pub/bar, go home.

What’s your favourite project you’ve worked on?

Developing Artificial Agents that make decisions like real footballers.

What is your proudest moment at Loughborough?

Being awarded the EPSRC New Investigator Award.

Tell us something you do outside of work that we might not know about?

I enjoy cooking for large groups of family and friends. I once catered for a party of 80 guests!

What is your favourite quote?

‘Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration’

If you would like to feature in ‘5 Minutes With’, or you work with someone who you think would be great to include, please email Lilia Boukikova at

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