This Week at Loughborough | 23 November
Mock Assessment Centre
24 November, 6 – 7.45pm, Online
Delivered by the Careers Network and staff from a range of top companies, you’ll hear first-hand what to expect and learn how to prepare effectively. Join online and gain as much practice as you can before your first real assessment centre.
- Practise group exercises element of an assessment centre with the Careers Network and real recruiters
- Hear some top tips
- Gain feedback from employers
This workshop is for students from all years in all Departments. Visit Careers Online to book a place.
Disabilities and Relationships: discussion panel
24 November, 6 – 7pm, Online
As part of Disability History Month, LSU Disability Support Network is collaborating with LSU Consent and Sexual Health to put on a discussion panel surrounding all things relating to disabilities and relationships.
Booking information can be found on the event page.
Virtual International Study Exchanges Fair 2020
25 November, 1 – 3pm, Online
We are pleased to announce that Loughborough University is holding a virtual International Study Exchanges Fair which is aimed at providing you with information and advice about the opportunities available to you if you would like to undertake a study exchange in the academic year 2021/22.
You will have the opportunity to put your questions to the central Exchanges Team and in Schools/Departments across the University. We can also put you in touch with students who have recently returned from their European and international study exchanges so that you ask them directly about their experiences.
Booking information is available on the event page.
IDIG/POLIS research symposium
25 November, 2 – 3.30pm, Online
The Institute for Diplomacy and International Governance (IDIG) and Politics and International Studies (POLIS) are holding a series of joint symposia this year to exchange ideas and develop our research.
There will be two speakers, one from IDIG, Dr An Jacobs, and one from POLIS, Dr Giulia Piccolino who will have 40 mins each to present their papers and field some questions. This is an internal Loughborough University event and we would very much welcome our PhD students to attend.
Booking information is available on the event page.
BERG seminar: Ventilation, health, and COVID-19
25 November, 2 – 3pm, Online
If you are interested in the link between COVID-19 and ventilation of buildings, then please join us for the BERG Seminar.
There will be three presentations and a discussion session on the theme of ‘Ventilation, health, and COVID-19’. All are welcome.
- Lauren Ferguson (London-Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Training – UCL)
- Dr Chris Iddon (CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group Chair)
- Professor Malcolm Cook (BERG – Loughborough University)
Find out more information and how to book on the event page.
Public lecture: How do we physiologically respond to stress and is this bad for our health?
25 November, 5.30pm, Online
Dr Nicola Paine will present ‘How do we physiologically respond to stress – and is this bad for our health?’
Stress is something that can affect us all at various times within daily life. Dr Paine will talk about the potential effects of stress on human health and how our health behaviours can affect how our bodies physically respond to stress.
Booking information can be found on the event page.
Disability Research at Loughborough

26 November, 1 – 4.30pm, Online
Doctoral researchers Amber Guest, Kim Hutton, Simon Briley, Lesley Sharpe, Chloe Blackwell, Eva Rodgers, Victor Jeganathan and Tigmanshu Bhatnagar will give thought-provoking and inspiring talks on the day.
The talks will explore a wide variety of topics including families raising children with autism, breaking down exclusion barriers, physical activity in a secure psychiatric hospital, mental health of truckers, and shoulder pain in wheelchair athletes
Booking information is available on the event page.
#LboroAppliedAI talk: Social Media and AI

26 November, 4 – 6pm, Online
In this talk Dr Martin Sykora will focus on social media research and the role AI plays in such research and across social media platforms in general. They argue for the need of well-informed interdisciplinary and more holistic approaches to tackling challenging social media research questions.
Social media has been playing an increasingly active role in shaping society, politics, and economics – which has yet to be fully understood while analysing and understanding the unprecedented volume of unstructured, context-poor big data has proven to be challenging.
To book onto the event visit the event page.
The Practicalities: Naming and Registration
26 November, 5.30 – 7pm, Online
This workshop will take you through some important steps to finding the right name for you business and helping you to understand the types of legal entites ready for when you want to register your company.
Naming your business is an important step to building a sustainable and successful business. Attend this workshop to build your knowledge and take home some practical steps you can take to find the perfect name for you!
Booking information is available on the event page.
We are Maia: virtual launch event
27 November, 12.30 – 2pm, Online
Maia is the Loughborough University Women’s Network, uniting women staff and Doctoral Researchers, including trans women and non-binary people comfortable in a female-centred community.
This virtual launch event will be an opportunity to learn more about the work undertaken by Maia so far, our vision and also our strategic priorities for the next 12 months.
More information and booking information can be found on the event page.
An Hour (performance and workshop)

27 November, 12.45 – 2.15pm, Online
Join Radar for an online performance commissioned to mark the launch of the Institute of Advanced Studies’ 2020/21 Time Programme.
The work consists of performers attempting to silently count seconds for an hour, saying only each (supposed) minute out loud. The audience, gathered in the same Zoom call, watches and listens to their attempts. In this, An Hour explores the concept of time as duration, and how we might experience time passing when we give ourselves over to it.
Booking information is available on the event page.
IAS Time Theme Launch

27 November, 2.30 – 5pm, Online
The IAS Time Theme is launching with an event looking at Spacetime and Chronotope – How Disciplines Conceptualise Time. A Trialogue, a virtual forum bringing three IAS Visiting Fellows into a ‘trialogue’ on how we conceptualise, and use, time.
The Fellows joining for the event are:
- Professor Laurence Eaves, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham
- Professor Meghan Sullivan, Department of Philosophy and Director of the Institute for Advanced Study, University of Notre Dame
- Dr Jutta Vinzent, Department of Art History, University of Birmingham and University of Erfurt
Visit the event page for further information.
Self-Care Sundays: Yoga class

29 November, 4 – 5pm, Online
In this Sunday session we can begin to learn the tools to manage stress and anxiety, and simply take some much needed time out.
This 60 minute Yoga class will introduce you to breathing techniques and ways of moving that will calm the body and mind. We’ll be slowing it down, moving in ways that feel good and serve us well.
Includes a compassionate relaxation/meditation at the end of the class, leaving you feeling restored and revitalised for the week ahead.
Suitable for ALL levels and bodies. Booking information is available on the event page.
Got something for next week? Let us know at
Loughborough Life
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