Open Research


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RDM training

Feedback from attendees at a recent RDM overview session in the University Library pointed to a few areas of concern:

  • Protecting future research based on data collected in a project.
  • Difficulties in sharing due to confidentiality agreements signed by participants several years ago. Participants can not be contacted retrospectively as the sensitive nature of the research demanded that personal details were not retained.
  • Computer Scientists have practices in place for dealing with data – de-duplication, compression, etc.
  • Requirement for service to support data processing and analysis – High Performance Computing.

These illustrate areas where advice and guidance would be welcomed and where there is a need to raise awareness of existing services. For example, some funders are happy for grant recipients to protect access to their research data so that they can publish the results of their research. EPSRC is one such funder, check out their research data principles ( In addition, we have a High Performance Computing service at Loughborough and researchers can request time on this (