Open Research


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RDM leaflet

A colleague has produced a very helpful RDM leaflet which highlights some of the key activities involved in preparing, undertaking and sharing research data.

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Data management plans – DMPonline

Many research funding bodies require submission of a data management plan (DMP) (or similar document) with a funding bid. They are also a valuable document for any project as they set the scent for the collection and management of research data throughout the full life cycle of the project. The Digital Curation Centre’s DMPonline is an […]

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Resource for projects creating survey data

The UK Data Service has produced a very useful guide to ‘Depositing shareable survey data’ ( The guide covers all aspects of thinking and planning for data collection, consent, preparing data for deposit, and depositing with the UK Data Service. Although the latter section in the guide highlights the requirements when depositing with the UK […]

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Research data management – Staff Workshop

The University Library is running a series of workshops for staff this July with the aim of helping you get the best results for your research. One of their sessions covers Research Data Management, details are provide below. Tuesday 15th July, 2-4pm Whilst efficient data management has always been part of good research practice, research […]

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