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AHRC Technical Plans – training event

On Wednesday 23rd  September I will be leading a training session on “Writing a Successful Technical Plan for the AHRC”. Prof. Richard Bibb, an AHRC Technical Plan reviewer, will also be in attendance to give a reviewer’s perspective. The session will be held in the Stewart Mason Building (room SMB .02) between 1200 and 1300. Lunch will be provided for attendees. Please book through the Online Store so we have an idea of numbers.

If you are currently working on an AHRC application or think that you may do so in the future please do come along and find out what to include in your Technical Plan. We will be working through a couple of examples of existing plans so that you can see what a successful plan looks like.

For further information please contact Kate Clift in the Research Office, Gareth Cole in the Library or see our poster for the AHRC Technical Plan session.