Open Research


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World Book and Copyright Day 23rd April

On the 23rd of April each year, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) celebrates World Book and Copyright Day. The death anniversary of William Shakespeare, Miguel Cervantes and Inca Garciloso de la Vega as well as the birth or death of several prominent authors, was chosen in 1995 by UNESCO to become the […]

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Yes, you can open commercially funded research (but probably not all of it)

“Mommy, how much do you think the Jaws LEGO set will cost?” asked my seven-year-old the other night as I was putting him to bed. His dad had told him earlier that day that the LEGO Review Board had officially announced that a build design, submitted by a LEGO fan, based on the 1974 novel […]

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Tensions of Open Research in Creative Arts and Design fields

By Dr. Tincuta Heinzel, Senior Lecturer in Textiles and Open Research Lead, School of Design and Creative Arts Starting with the 1st of April 2022, all submitted for publication research that a public body has funded must comply with the Open Access policy. This rule applies to all UKRI research councils, Research England, and Innovate […]

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In search of missing princes: what drives repository views?

By Lara Skelly, Open Research Manager for Data and Methods, Loughborough University Library Sleeping Beauty slumbers for decades in her tower until she is woken by a prince, whom she marries, and they live happily ever after. We all know the story, but what if the prince was gone when she awoke? Where would she […]

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Data management – from a section in the grant proposal to a day-to-day reference manual 

By Krzysztof Cipora, Lecturer in Mathematical Cognition, Open Research Lead of the School of Science, Centre for Mathematical Cognition, Loughborough University,, @krzysztofcipora Most funding agencies require grant proposals to contain a data management plan. It may seem an extra burden to prepare yet another document, as all applicants have been handling research data and […]

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Open Research across disciplines

By Camilla Gilmore, Chair of Loughborough University’s Open Research Group and Professor of Mathematical Cognition One of the challenges of institutional change around open research practices is the diversity of disciplines involved. Open research covers a range of activities that promote the openness, transparency, rigour, and reproducibility of research. These values are relevant to all […]


A different kind of diversity

By Lara Skelly, Open Research Manager for Data and Methods A few years ago, I submitted a methodological paper to a discipline-specific journal. The reviewers were not kind, one of them saying “There is no narrative of the findings.” Well naturally not, as the findings were the methodology I was describing. While entirely likely that […]

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Last week we attended the Association of Research Managers and Administrators‘ (ARMA) annual conference in Brighton. We were presenting on our Research Data Repository which was launched at the end of April. Although our session part of the last panel of the conference it was still well attended with representatives from both universities and funders. As part […]

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Updated ESRC policy on Research Data

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has recently released an updated version of its research data policy. This can be found at: (link to the PDF of the policy at the bottom of the page). The ESRC policy now maps more clearly to the RCUK Common Principles on Data Policy. In addition, the […]

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Over 1,000 research data repositories available in

In August 2012 – the Registry of Research Data Repositories went online with 23 entries. Two years later the registry provides researchers, funding organisations, libraries and publishers with over 1,000 listed research data repositories from all over the world making it the largest and most comprehensive online catalog of research data repositories on the […]

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