Studying in the UK was a defining moment in my life
My name is Ayush Bhattacharyya, and I’m currently in the final year of my BSc in Psychology. Originally from India, I had never lived away from home before attending university. So, when I stepped out of Heathrow Airport in early October 2021, the cool breeze hit me with a sense of excitement, marking a defining moment in my life.
The experience of moving to a new country felt almost surreal, especially coming from the Indian subcontinent, where many of us grew up in a more sheltered environment. On one hand, the newfound independence sparked a sense of excitement and possibility. On the other, there were apprehensions about adapting to a completely different world.
Fortunately, I was able to form a social support group very soon, which helped me transition smoothly and settle down in university. Furthermore, I got involved in various societies and subsequently learnt to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. This initial willingness to gain exposure shaped my university life as it improved my confidence and equipped me with skills to express myself in meaningful ways. These activities, in addition to my academic work, made the first term pass by in the blink of an eye.

Although this term on campus was extremely enjoyable for me, the prospect of going back home for Christmas still delighted me as it gave me a chance to relax after a whirlwind two months. My family was equally enthusiastic, and the menu for the first week after my arrival was charted out even before my flight tickets were booked.
I also started earning for the first time by being a University student ambassador during term time and bought Christmas gifts for friends and family using that money. Hence, the overall experience of going back home was deeply fulfilling, as the joy of buying gifts with my first salary gave me a sense of joy, while the opportunity of putting my feet up for a few weeks provided incomparable peace.

Those weeks spent at home helped me reconnect with my family, and I started valuing the time shared with them even more. I was also rejuvenated, especially due to the comfort of home-cooked food and the overall warmth provided by my social circle. All these factors aided my mental preparation for a new term at university, making me even more eager to embrace new experiences.
As the exam season followed immediately after the break, this fresh mindset proved to be crucial, allowing me to give my best effort. I was also excited to meet my friends again in university and deeply interested to discover how quickly we resumed our normal interdependent routines, despite living completely different lives across continents for the past month.

To conclude, as a fresher, it is extremely important to fully immerse oneself in university life and be open to new experiences. However, this should not hinder one’s connection with home because that will always remain our safe haven. Spending quality time at home allows students to understand the importance of family, especially after having spent some time away independently. Ultimately, it’s important to live in the moment and have gratitude for both home and university life, as each plays a vital role in our personal growth.
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