Results Day Reflections
Casting my mind back to my own results day on 17th August 2017 is odd. The pressures of A-levels were the most stressful time of my life, so I had repressed them completely until I got back from my holiday a few days before results day!
Relaxing after such an intense time studying is definitely key for preparing for results day as you deserve a break before the next part (the results)! There is no need to stress about your exams after they are done.
I would advise trying not to think about your A-levels literally until the night before the results since you cannot change anything until you get the results and decide upon next steps!
The Day Before
Something lovely about results day is that everyone will be going through the same feelings and stresses that you are. Nerves about the next steps of life, leaving behind what you know as well as the results themselves!
Personally, my best friend and I had the same situation: the subject we wanted to study at University was dependent on the grade that we didn’t do as well at AS-Levels as we wanted to. I got a D at English AS-level so felt unbelievably nervous to achieve for my A-levels and get into one of my two Universities I loved.
To combat these nerves, we decided to go on a drive to ASDA for some reason. I think keeping calm ahead of results day and getting your mind off things through keeping busy is key to coping with the pressure.

Keep calm
Let’s be honest, you aren’t going to have your best night’s sleep the night before results day. I remember tossing and turning worrying about all my options. I think you should always have a rough guide for Plan B in your head. Even knowing your options is a step in the correct direction!
You can find more information through UCAS here.
Parental Perspective
“I probably felt just as anxious and hopeful for my children as they did- if not more! They worked so hard and I was so concerned that the results would reflect this.
When you have tried your best- go with your confidence in getting your mark reviewed if you believe that you have done the work and answered it in full. I wasn’t concerned about clearing or adjustment since I had heard success stories about them from friends which calmed me down, so I would recommend researching prior to results day. I was only worried about more stress and anxiety for them as A-levels had taken such a toll stress wise.
In order to combat the worry about results day, I focused on the positives of looking forward to an August without a results day for the first time in six years! It had felt like the elephant in the room all summer with it dominating any family holiday! I think deep down before results day, you usually know how you have done since hard work should pay off but curve-ball results do occur so you should be prepared for this also, emotionally and physically regarding next steps.”
Advice from Caroline’s Mum!

My advice for parents would be to gauge your child’s reaction, if they are happy with their result you should be happy too! Utilise the best advice for them and not yourself, don’t force Uni or work upon them when it is their choice to come to. They have done amazingly to even finish A-levels no matter what the grades so celebrations should occur no matter what!
Results Day Morning
When I walked into school and left my nervous mum in the car park, I joined the queue to receive my envelope. I was met by my friend, erratically confused, telling me her UCAS wasn’t loading but her results didn’t match her predicted. I told her to calm and not draw conclusions when she didn’t know what would happen yet.
After seeing people crying all around me, I realised the UCAS Uni offers had been uploaded and logged in. This is what I saw:

My Results
I felt hugely relieved because I had absolutely adored Loughborough, despite it being my insurance. After seeing this, I knew my results had to at least be equivalent to AAB/ABB in some order which relieved the pressure straight away.
So, a tip is to think about which order you want to look at first. My friend being unsure of her Uni due to her grades versus me feeling calm due to knowing my rough results is definitely something to be considered.
The Grades on the Page

As you can see, I had a blend of emotions for my results day. Whilst I was delighted with my results, the one I wanted to achieve in the most doesn’t seem necessarily wonderful to most people.
These grades reflect a lot and are very personal to me. They reflect that I tried as hard as I could. They also reflect that I was up all night vomiting the night before and the morning of my English exam because I was so anxious after having messed up my AS exam so much.
All I wanted to do was do better than the D from the previous year, so I was thrilled. At the end of the day, the results are for you and first and foremost if you worked hard then your results should please you and no one else!
Next steps
After you open your results, you do need to consider your next steps. Would you want a remark or receive the hard copies of your exams back? Are your results not what you wanted, if yes, will you go through clearing? Go to work? Resit the year? These choices feel huge, but you will make the right one for you.
Check out Loughborough’s designated results day website to find helpful tips and frequently asked questions about what you might expect from the day!
Get advice from those that care about you and know your options such as parents/guardians and teachers. Even analysing your marks can bring you comfort.

I think celebrating that you have achieved something very tough is the best bit about results day and most necessary no matter what!
You have had barely any sleep and feel wrecked, however!! you deserve to go out with your school mates, celebrate and give each other a good pat on the back! Because despite whatever results you have achieved and they are an achievement no matter what the grade- you have completed the A levels! Whether you resit, go to work, go to Uni, or in between choices.
Even if you don’t get your firm, and want to progress to another University, your Uni experience will be what you make it and I can say hand on heart I would not want to be at any other University than Loughborough.
Good luck everyone!
From Caroline x
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