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How to make the most of the summer months

21 June 2017

3 mins

Exams are over, the last day of term is approaching and suddenly your busy student life has disappeared. I am currently in the ‘post-exam-bewilderment’ stage; I have so much time and no idea how to spend it.

However, this is never a bad thing! Although in previous years this has concluded in endless pyjama days with the mouse too close to the ‘play next episode’ button, I plan to make this summer my most productive yet (fingers crossed). I hope my ideas will inspire you to make the most of your summer and crawl out of the binge watching, lying in til’ 12 hole that has been my summers of the past…

1. Consume all of the culture

Well into my challenge of reading 24 books this year, the summer break will be valuable in getting my current total of 7 up to that desirable 24. Summer days are perfect for reading and although not the most sociable activity, it’s one that you definitely feel the benefit of. As well as books I plan to tick a few more films off my ever growing ‘watch list’. Easily turned into a film night with friends, my recent favourites have included Leon: The Professional, The Green Mile and The Terminal.

2. Develop my design skills

To keep the workaholic inside me at bay over the summer, I plan on developing my drawing and design skills. Doing the #ArtADay challenge on my Instagram (@laurenjefferisdesign) over Easter has inspired me to continue drawing over the summer as well as experiment with new techniques such as block printing and brush lettering.

3. Get moving

With little sleep and little time to exercise over the exam period I finished my last exam, feeling free, but feeling a little bit like a revision potato (cousin of the coach potato). I am looking forward to getting active again by making the most of the fitness classes at Powerbase and going on runs in the (hopefully) sunny weather.

4. Room detox

Having spent a year in university halls, I am questioning whether all the clothes/hoarded items in my cupboards at home really add anything to my life. If I haven’t missed them for a year, do I really need them? So I plan on having a room detox. Clearing out my cupboards will make it easier to see what I actually use and need. However, hoping this doesn’t give my parents an excuse to turn my room into a home gym or an office, because that will not go down well…

5. Keep in touch

Moving home for the summer means moving away from all your university friends! Although we may live at either end of the country I want to make an effort to keep in touch with all the people I have met this year, even if that’s just via social media.

So there’s an insight into how I will be spending my summer. I hope I have given you a couple of ideas of how to make the summer relaxing and fun, with a side of productive! Don’t forget to recharge, however, by eating all the home made meals you can and soaking up the (often not) glorious British weather.

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