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Life as a student Ambassador at Loughborough University London 

17 July 2024

4 mins

As a Student Ambassador and international student at Loughborough University London, I get the opportunity to experience the vibrant and dynamic campus life in a unique way. Each day brings new challenges, opportunities and adventures, making every shift distinctly different from the last. Join me as I take you through a day in the life of a Student Ambassador, where no two shifts are ever the same. 

8 AM -The morning hustle 

My day starts early with a quick breakfast and a cup of tea. As a Student Ambassador, it’s essential to stay energised and ready for anything. I wear my purple student ambassador t-shirt to work for my shifts, which helps you stand out when you are on campus.  
Today, my schedule includes a mix of focus group discussions, campus tours, a student panel, and some event management duties. It’s the variety that makes this role so exciting!  

9 AM – Attending a focus group discussion 

One of the things that stands out about Loughborough London is that it truly cares about its students and strives to provide them the best experience while they are at university. Getting feedback is crucial to improving the services available and the London campus does that by organising student focus groups. Today my focus group consists of my peers from the Student Ambassadors programme. We are quizzed on a variety of issues ranging from accommodation, communications from the university through to academic study workloads, therefore covering all aspects of student life.  

Sometimes we are involved in faculty recruitment, where potential candidates provide a 25-minute lecture, and we are asked for feedback. The University actively seeks student feedback in every process because it sees its students integral to its success.  

12 PM – Lunch Break 

After a busy morning, it’s time for a well-deserved break. Because I like to cook, I usually bring lunch, which I had packed last night, and reheat it in the microwave ovens provided in the canteen. Speaking of the canteen, it has a good range of options, ranging from sushi, sandwiches, and wraps. One can also grab something from the Tesco nearby or Westfield Mall in case one has an extended break. This is a great time for me to relax, recharge, and catch up on any university work or social media updates.  

I also take this time to respond to messages from prospective students who have questions about their application process on The Ambassador Platform (TAP), an online portal to connect with prospective students. Most messages on the platform are from prospective international students and answering them gives me immense satisfaction considering I was in their shoes not too far back. 

1:30 PM to 3:30 PM – Campus Tours 

Leading campus tours is one of my favourite parts of being a Student Ambassador. The tours booked through the website, free to attend and allow prospective students to get a glimpse of life at Loughborough London. I get to provide tours to various groups like undergraduate students, education counsellors from different countries and exchange students.  

Each group asks a different set of questions pertaining to academics, campus life, and extracurricular activities. As we walk through the building and Here East, I share stories about my own experiences, pointing out key landmarks, nearby businesses, and popular hangout spots. The tour ends with a Q&A session, where I provide honest answers and personal insights. 

5 PM – Future Space Event 

As Loughborough University London is exclusively a master’s and PhD focused campus, it possesses an excellent careers team called Future Space. They organise networking events with industry, which is often accompanied by pizza at the end. As a Student Ambassador on this shift, my role is to help with various tasks related to event management, such as putting up event banners, registering attendees and ensuring sufficient seating. I also get the chance to speak to guests and experts, and being a Campus Ambassador helps to break the ice and initiate a conversation with them.  

8 PM – Reflect and Recharge 

As the day comes to an end, I take a moment to reflect on the day’s events. Being a Campus Ambassador is demanding yet an incredibly rewarding role. Each day is different, filled with new faces, stories, and experiences. It’s a constant reminder of why I chose this university and why I love sharing it with others. 

Every shift as a Campus Ambassador is an opportunity to make a difference, one tour, one conversation, and one event at a time. If you ever see me on campus, don’t hesitate to say hi – I’m always happy to share my passion for our university with you!

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