We hope you enjoy this blog post the HeadsUp team has put together to celebrate World Mental Health Day. Remember that we all have mental health and it is as important to look after it as it is to look after our physical health. We all have a bodyso we are all susceptible to physical conditions and illnesses. The same applies to our brain and the possibility of developing mental health conditions or struggling with mental health.
What is HeadsUp?
Headsup is a student-run welfare association that focuses on promoting positive well-being and mental health across the university. We aim to provide support and raise awareness around mental health through our social media platforms, campaigns and events.

How can we help you?
We are always here for a chat. We will answer any questions you may have to the best of our availability. We can actively listen to your concerns and support you. We can also signpost you if it’s something you would like. However, we are not professionals, so we are not able to give you advice.
If you want to submit an anonymous question, the link is on our LinkTree which is in our Instagram bio (@lboroheadsup).
The Mental Health Ambassador (MHA) Scheme
The Mental Health Ambassador Scheme is designed to broaden students’ understanding of mental health, enabling them to offer support to peers by being active listeners and signposting when necessary (which they will be trained to do).
Ambassadors will have an opportunity to run their own campaigns and events if they wish to. They will also be able to help at HeadsUp events and MHA scheme events.Applications are open and the link to signup can be found on our linktree on our Instagram bio.
Committee Wisdom
Tips for Freshers
- “Try as many taster sessions and activities as you can.” (Will, Collaborations and Outreach Officer)
- “As scary as it may seem, challenge yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone. Remember that everyone is in the same boat as you, so explore new things and put yourself out there. Most importantly, take good care of yourself, both mentally and physically.” (Aisosa, Mental Health AmbassadorsCoordinator)
- “Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone is on their own journey, and it’s okay to have your own pace and path. During my first year, I unknowingly compared myself to coursemates and university friends a lot, butunderstanding that personal growth is a unique and ongoing process is super important!” (Nikky, Graphics and Digital Media Officer)
What has your experience with mental health taught you?
- “Mental health is never a straight road, and the more you experience, the more you learn about your mental health and what makes you feel better or worse. Never compare your road with mental health with someone else’s, everyone is different.”(Alketa, Education Officer)
- “I’ve always thought of mental health as a mountain. Some days you can climb half way to the top and others you slip back down. Your support network (whether that’s friends, family, counsellors, coping strategies, medication etc.) are the ropes that pull you up. It’s ok to have days where you don’t even try to climb, just like it’s ok to fall back down. The important bit is to keep looking up because one day you will reach the summit and look down on how far you’ve come. That’s not to say that once you’re at the top you’ll never slip back down but at least you remember what it feels like to be up there and can begin the climb up again. No one’s mountains are the same but by supporting each other, we will climb to the top.” (Grace, Body Positivity Officer)
- “No one is immune to struggling with their mental health. If you feel invincible, and feel like it could never be you, remember that a big enough obstacle can shake even the most resilient person. When you feel mentally healthy, reflect on your lifestyle and what things and activities you automatically incorporate in your day-to-day that might contribute to your wellbeing. Identifying those turns them into tools you can use when a tough time comes around.” (Raquel, Chair)
What is the best advice you have ever received?
- “Be gentle with yourself. Ask yourself how you’d talk to a friend and consider how you would comfort them if they were struggling. Try to offer yourself a similar understanding and self-compassion, becoming your own best friend. Being aware of your inner critic can help you to understand and access the support you truly need. “(Jess, Self Care Officer)
- “Always remember that you are the first priority, everyone and everything comes second. “ (Tanishka, Internal Vice Chair)
- “You have to go through something to get through it instead of avoiding and ignoring it. Every situation in life is temporary – when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully, and when life is not so good, remember that it won’t last forever.” (Risha, External Vice chair)
What songs boosts your mood?
- “Taylor Swift – “the 1.” It’s a song I associate happy memories with from an experience that left me feeling very negative. You can’t go wrong with a bit of Taylor Swift.” (Mertan, Male Mental Health Officer)
- “’Peach’ by Oscar Scheller. Just a great vibes feel good song, mentioning positive affirmation throughout” (Jack, Male Mental Health Officer)
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