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Trying new things this November: Loughborough Student Union calendar

13 November 2017

4 mins

It’s  well in to November now and all those cliché pictures of fireworks are up on Instagram from Bonfire Night! The Student Union did their own firework display; it looked really cool and I’m majorly jealous I didn’t get to see them. Although I did do something a little different this year. Instead of standing in the mud getting cold (which is strangely a usual winner) I went to a community event at my work placement. The Watford Palace Theatre were celebrating Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights; I saw a shadow performance, Indian dancing, drumming and an amateur acting performance.  I even got a cute little Indian snack box at the end – I love a freebie. I actually really enjoyed the night – I enjoy learning about different cultures and well just trying something new really…

That was my “trying something new” for bonfire night. My entertainment for Halloween the standard “really scary” dress up of cops and robbers… It was a fun night out but I’ve got to admit it was an early night cuddled up to a chicken wrap, with the regrets of not popping back to Loughborough. I missed Halloween Mayhem and FND. The only fear I experienced on Halloween was the fear of missing out! I’ll have to keep an eye out in 2018.

During the week of Halloween/ Bonfire Night, I met a woman who invited me to go to the Watford Temple and I actually think I might go to see what it is like. I’m that person who goes to community events just for the people and a point of trying something new, not necessarily for the religion or the event.

This is something I miss about being at Loughborough University. The opportunity to attend a random event, whether it be cultural, creative or even a student night. The Student’s Union calendar is always advertising random new activities. All very divergent but great for entertainment.

You know another weird thing I strangely miss from the union calendar… John Coopers big quiz – I actually used to love these. I went with a few of my flatmates in my first year, then I went to study abroad and I completely forgot that it existed. So guess what’s on the to-do list when I’m back in Loughborough? So nerdy but I love a good quiz night! The JC’s quiz night is every Thursday night this November and December! And if you’re anything like me, go with easygoing friends, I’m a little too competitive for my own good….

Who knew you could miss one place so much? I’m loving where I am on placement but also missing year 3 at University.  I’m even hoping to head back for a visit towards the end of November for a few days. There’s the Stage Society performance of “Little Shop of Horrors” on the 23rd-25th November at 19:30 in the Cope Auditorium, so there’s one plan for me being a sucker for theatre and ex-member of the Stage Society. The rest of the weekend I thought I’d make use of my time by booking a house viewing with help from Student Advice and book a meeting with my English / dyslexia tutor with Student Support. It’s a chance to see my friends and of course visit FND!

With all this activity I’m thinking it’s made me excited about going back to Loughborough. I’ve already made a nerdy little list (which no one can see) it’s embarrassingly written in colourful pens… But I’ll give you one of my to do’s… The Loughborough Ski trip!

My friend Tina asked me to go with her this year, but with the money I’ll need for Camp America next year (exciting) and the upcoming early Christmas trip to Paris with my Loughborough flatmates (double exciting), I’m afraid my bank account has told me I will have to wait a while…

But for now I’ll see you before the year is out Loughborough!

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