Level 3 Certificate in Sports Massage (Soft Tissue Therapy)

Start Date: 29th of June 2013

End Date: 26th of October 201

Venue: Lees Brook Skills Academy, Derby

This qualification is undertaken over 5 weekends across a 4 month period and is combined with home/directed study. It gives learners the knowledge, integrity, competency and proficiency to perform sports massage on a range of clients who have no underlying pathological conditions. Successful achievement of the qualification will enhance employability by enabling individuals to gain employment within an organisational setting or alternatively to practice immediately as a sports massage therapist in a self-employed context.

Fee: £1,550


1. To book a place on this course please visit www.sportsperformanceconsultancy.co.uk/level-3-sports-massage/ to download an application form.

2. Please return completed application forms to phil@sportsperformanceconsultancy.co.uk

3. Places are allocated on a first come first-served basis.

4. Subject to availability, receipt of your application form and a £400 deposit we will confirm your place on the course.

5. All courses are subject to our Terms and Conditions

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