We need someone to develop the number of researcher and international contacts on the Careers and Employability Career Contacts database.
1. To use a variety of methods (DLHE statistics, Adviser records, current contacts, departmental contacts etc) to identify possible contacts (research staff, doctoral graduates and international graduates) –
2. In conjunction with the project manager, write a project plan
3. In conjunction with the project manager, design an appropriate questionnaire
4. To contact prospective contacts.
5. To investigate wider contact options than database registration eg case study, mentor etc
6. To chase outstanding replies.
7. To write report on findings (if appropriate)
1. To keep accurate records of people contacted, replies received and outstanding replies.
2. To enter new contacts onto database
3. To regularly report progress to project manager
4. To raise any issues or problems with project manager in a timely manner
See Careers Online for further details and to apply