Hello students,

I have an important message…many employers think LOUGHBOROUGH students and graduates are AWESOME! Read on for more information…

I am the Employer Engagement Manager for the Careers and Employability Centre at Loughborough University and as such get to work with hundreds of employers who want to employ YOU! So much so, each year they have a strategy for engaging with Loughborough students and organise activities just to raise their profile. They even compete with each other just so they can attract Loughborough’s top students!

You may think that this is the case with all top universities? Not so, our Graduate Recruitment and Placement Fair is now the BIGGEST careers fair in the UK with 182 exhibitors. We also arrange over 80 employer events during October and November which is not the case for many other universities… all because employers want to attract Loughborough students.

So, to keep the employers coming and to make these events the huge success they deserve we need YOU to support them by making sure you attend!

And REMEMBER to keep an open mind as the majority of employers recruit from ANY discipline and, for example, an engineering company could also have opportunities in other areas, such as, HR and Marketing. So, you could be studying any subject and still be able to attend the majority of our employer events.

Make sure you don’t miss out and follow the links below..

Please go here to view the employer events schedule: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/careers/events/employer/employer-presentations.html

Please go here for further details of the fair: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/careers/events/employer/fairs/graduate-fair.html

One last thing, the Careers and Employability Centre is here to help…if you would like advice and guidance on attending any employer event or how to apply for a position, book yourself an appointment by emailing careers@lboro.ac.uk.

Johnson & Johnson Global Healthcare Business and Careers Forum


During the coming year, the Johnson & Johnson International Recruitment Development Program (IRDP) will hire many high potential Graduate/Master’s/MBA students like you for full-time positions and internships within the Asia-Pacific, EMEA, and Latin America regions.

On Monday, October 7, 2013 they will be hosting a series of virtual events, one that explains the IRDP program and one presentation about the future of healthcare. If you have not registered already, we invite you to attend:

Monday October 7, 2013

Event 1:
Johnson & Johnson International Recruitment and Development Program (IRDP) Virtual Presentation

Presenting the IRDP program including qualifications, development and the recruiting process steps for full-time and internship opportunities.

Two times offered for your convenience:
8:00 am ET
4:00 pm ET

One-hour webconference each, including audio Q&A followed by one-hour written Q&A.

Event 2:
The Future of Health Care
Johnson & Johnson’s stand point on the health care industry and where it is heading on a global level.
12:00 pm ET
One-hour webconference including audio Q&A followed by one-hour written Q&A.

These sessions will give you detailed information about Johnson & Johnson IRDP program and discuss the challenging full-time and internship opportunities available for MBA and graduate candidates. They will also conclude with an interactive Q&A, where you can interact and post your questions to members of the Johnson & Johnson IRDP team.

Join the sessions on www.mba-exchange.com/JnJ1310

CityLaw Live

London Conference

Friday 6 December 2013

The CityLawLIVE careers conference is for talented students who are considering a career in City law.

The event will feature:

  • live and virtual networking prior to and at the event;
  • crowd-sourced questions for discussion panels, both from the audience and via social media;
  • student participation in law firm-led workshops.

See www.citylawlive.com for more details