Loughborough University Consulting Society events

Event I:

Case Study Event with Institute of Consulting

Date: 21st of November 2013

Time: 6.30pm – 8.30

Venue: James France, D202

Available spaces: 30

Information about the event:
The Institute of Consulting will be joining Loughborough University Consulting Society (LUCS) on the 21st of November to host a case study event. This exclusive event, with only 30 spaces, does not only provide you with a first-hand insight into consulting, but also prepares you extremely well for any upcoming assessment centres. You will be working on a case study in teams of 4-5 people, present them to three senior professionals, who will then give you some invaluable feedback on how you can further develop your skills. This event is of great benefit to everyone wanting to improve their skills and gaining an insight into consulting as well as for preparation for assessment centres.

Event II:

Young Management Consulting Association

Date: 26th of November 2013

Time: 6.30 – 8.00 + Networking afterwards

Venue: EHB, J104

Available spaces: 300+

Description about the event:
Loughborough University enters exclusive circle of Oxford, Cambridge and the London Universities, as it got chosen to host an event for the Young Management Consultancies Association! This very exclusive event hosted by Loughborough University Consulting Society will bring 8 professional consultants from 8 different firms, including large companies like Deloitte and Accenture as well as boutique firms such as Transform, Hitachi and EC Harris to the Loughborough campus. The speakers are all from different areas in the consulting industry and will share their experiences as well as answer all the questions you might have. Furthermore, there will be a networking possibility afterwards, where you can ask more informal questions and get some professional contacts for the future. Thus, this is definitely an event not to be missed!

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