48 hours left to Win Prizes and give feedback

Start the New Year with a win! If you enter the Trendence prize draw you could come away with…

  • £500 Amazon vouchers
  • An iPad mini
  • Shopping sprees, meals out, and more

There are only 48 hours left to enter the Trendence survey!
In case you missed what Trendence is all about, here’s a quick rundown:

The Trendence Graduate Barometer 2014 is the UK’s largest piece of research into students’ views on graduate careers and recruitment. Trendence also powers the Guardian UK 300, so voting for your favourite company is a great way to influence the graduate employment market.

Trendence is an excellent tool for helping students to think about graduate employers: the questions require you to rank employers in a variety of ways, helping you to think laterally about your career options and why you like, or don’t like, certain companies..

So, a prize draw? Help with graduate employment? Why wait!

There are only 48 hours left, so take the survey now at: www.trendence-gradbarometer.co.uk

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