EDENFLIX – Free documentary screening of ‘GASLAND’ – 20th November, 3pm, Cope Auditorium

You are invited to attend the EDEN FLIX screening of ‘GasLand’, introduced by Dr. Diganta Das, Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, at 3pm on Wednesday, 20th November, at the Cope Auditorium.

With the concept of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, becoming increasingly considered as a key source of fuel for the UK, strong opinions supporting and opposing the process are fervidly arising amongst scientists, corporations and environmental activists causing widespread confusion among the population. Concerns speculate that fracking could cause carcinogenic pollution to water and earth tremors and they also elaborate that the shale gas extracted is ultimately, not a long-term nor sustainable option. The reality is that sufficient evidence hasn’t yet been produced to make calculated decisions, despite the seemingly convincing cases made by both sides – exemplified by Josh Fox’s work in ‘GasLand’.

As academics, we must be aware of the arguments but cautious to judge fracking until all the evidence is available. To help us with this, Dr. Diganta Das will introduce this screening and open the floor for discussion afterwards.

This screening will take place on Wednesday, 20th November, at the Cope Auditorium (http://maps.lboro.ac.uk/place/cope-auditorium/).

The screening will commence at 3pm and is free for all students and staff to attend.

Book your place here: http://store.lboro.ac.uk/browse/product.asp?compid=1&modid=1&catid=223

For information on further screenings by EDEN FLIX, visit: http://cede.lboro.ac.uk/edenflix

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