Bringing Careers and Employers to Researchers Event

Wednesday 16 April 2014, 5pm – 8pm

James France Exhibition Area

This is a great opportunity for you to meet with employers who are actively seeking to recruit people with the high level skills you’ve gained from conducting research. The event includes presentations from employers representing a range of sectors along with question and answer sessions and the opportunity to network with employers, alumni and recruiters.  A light buffet will be provided.

The line-up of employers for this event are now confirmed as –Tessella (who predominantly employ PhD graduates), Frazer Nash, Far-UK, and IBM

Delegates who have previously attended have been offered employment as a result of meeting employers at this event.  Many more delegates identified employers of interest; this encouraged them to fine tune their CVs and submit applications.

Event feedback:

  • 96% of respondents to delegate feedback found the event “very useful” or “useful”
  • 82% of respondents said they would attend future events like this
  •  “Range and enthusiasm [of students] best seen at any careers event” (employer comment)

Reserve your place to meet employers on Wednesday 16 April via the Careers and Employability Centre’s online booking system

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