£4,500 HDC Bursary now open for applications

  • Applications for bursaries now open from undergraduate students on courses involving a placement year in industry 2015 – 2016
  • £4,500 per student is available from Horticultural Development Company (HDC)
  • Placement year in industry must be strongly horticulture related

A generous bursary scheme from HDC is open for applications from undergraduates on courses ranging from agriculture to zoology to chemistry. Any undergraduate can apply as long as their course incorporates an industry placement year during 2015 – 2016, and the placement taken up is in a horticultural business, research establishment or advisory company.

The HDC will award up to 10 bursaries in any year, currently set at £4,500 per student. Deadline for applications is 31 March 2015.

This year six final degree year students from Harper Adams University and University of Sheffield, all taking a range of qualifications that incorporated a horticultural placement, benefitted from the scheme.

Any student on a UK based undergraduate degree that includes an industry placement linked to horticulture is eligible to apply. Visit www.hdc.org.uk/hdc-bursary-scheme for more information.

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