Making your UK education stand out to employers in your home country

Warwick University published research into the experience of international students in the UK returning home to find work. While focused on solely on Chinese students, the principles can be applied to by all international students. In summary, the feedback from employers and international alumni included:

Career planning and motivation

“Employers need graduates to show motivation to work in their organisation; evidence of research into the role and knowledge/desire for their sector.”

“And show reflection; be able to curate and narrate their UK experience; plus show evidence of career planning.”

Speak to people who do not speak your native language and actively develop your English

“Gain English language skills.”

“Dare to speak to locals and socialist outside of [people from your home country]. Seize every change to experience something you’ve never seen before.”

“Be brave.”

“Network more, contacts are important here too. Do not only hang out with [people from your home country].”

Get involved with opportunities outside of your studies

“So many overseas Chinese students study accounting and finance, so it’s an internship experience that makes a difference.”

“Study abroad, without extra-curricular activities, is not a USP [Unique selling point]”

Other key points

“Overseas Chinese graduates are not smarter than local Chinese graduates, but many returnees have the view that they don’t want to work their way up.”

“We like the adaptability offered by UK-educated graduates.”


If you would like help implementing any of the above advice, then please do not hesitate to get in contact.

– Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Development Officer.

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