LockIn China 80 Days Programme & visit to Loughborough – 18th Oct 6pm

Register Now! 80 Days Event for Overseas Chinese Talent (pre-employment workshop for finding jobs in China)

18th Oct, 6pm – 8pm, J001 Edward Herbert

As a student studying abroad, when should you start seeking job opportunities in China? How do you write a proper CV that get HR’s attention? How should you prepare for different types of interviews in China? How can you negotiate salary with HR? There is much more you should know about job seeking in China than you thought.

Lockin China, as the largest recruitment platform specialized in supporting Chinese overseas students, has invited experienced HR and employers to bring you the most professional and practical pre-employment workshop for finding jobs in China. Last year, more than 10,000 overseas students found jobs after attending Lockin China 80 Days Event. This year, we will bring even more positions that you can choose from to realize your true value in a career. You will have more choices and broader access with tens of thousands of vacancies from 1,000 employers provided exclusively for overseas talent. 1000 global universities and Lockin China stand united to get you hired in this coming graduation season.

During the 90-minute workshop, you will be able to access the same employment resources as graduates in China!

You will receive:

  • The latest information about China’s job market
  • The recruitment process used by best-known employers in 2018
  • Step-by-step guide to online application skills
  • How to write a resume that will get you through screening processes

And even more practical tactics:

  • Guidance on how to interact in group discussions
  • Individual mock interview practice
  • Rehearsals for face-to-face job offers and contract negotiations

We hope you’ll join us for this presentation and bring a friend! This workshop will be presented in Mandarin with PPT materials in English. Dress is business casual or student attire.

Click here to register.

For more info about 80 Days Events, please visit: http://80days.lockinchina.com 






这个秋季,你的大学,联合海外人才招聘专家Lockin China团队,为所有毕业想在中国找工作的留学生带来定制化的校园求职Workshop。


  1. 了解国内就业市场行情,知道如何找到大量的职位资源; 今年的“80天活动”还像往年一样给大家收集了近2千家企业、 超过3万个职位,大家即使在国外,也能最大范围地接触到国内的招聘市场。
  2. 了解应届生求职规划,知道名企何时发布职位、如何申请;
  3. 了解求职者的求职定位,知道自己的优势和企业的岗位需求; 了解简历正确写法,能够写出有针对性和竞争力的简历;
  4. 了解面试流程,能够在面试环节充分表现自我;
  5. 现场体验群组面试 —— 无领导小组讨论,招聘专家现场点评,帮你基本掌握群组面试要点;
  6. 现场体验个人面试,招聘专家一一解读各个问题,了解面试官意图,学会在面试中展示自己的优势。



点击:  http://80days.lockinchina.com校园求职Workshop模块找到你所在的城市或大学,点击报名。


关注Lockin China官方微信ID: lockinchina



Click here to register.



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