Resources to help with looking for employment

With the Careers Network part of the university website their is a section purely for international students, with information and resources to help you achieve your career aims. Some of the resources include:

Marketing yourself to effectively to UK employers

Marketing yourself effectively to employers in your Home Country

Preparing yourself for work after your studies: Undergraduate Students

Preparing yourself for work after your studies: International Students

Example CV for an international student

Example covering letter for an international student

Example covering letter to accompany a speculative application

Interested in joining or creating a new international student society?

Several new international student socieities are currently being created, for example new societies for students from Latin America, Zimbabwe and Uganda. If you would like to join a new society for your home country/region, please email Christian at

While Christian does not have anything to do with the actual organising of any societies, he can put you in contact with people who have already expressed an interest in creating a similar society or with the relevant people at the Student Union to create a brand new ociety.


Graduate profiles of former international students.

The ‘Graduate Profiles‘ page on the Careers Network part of the Loughborough University website has a range of case studies of alumni from every department. These detail their time at the university, what they have gone onto do since graduating and reflections on their time here/advice they would give current students.

Within this there is a section dedicated purely to international students. These have been organised by school, and click on the link below to read each person’s profile.

School of Aeronautical and Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering – Kalpa Perera

School of Business and Economics – Alexandru Baltag, Patrick Lee, Zhenyu Liu, Muhammed Salaar Waqar, Laju Sobotie.

School of Civil and Building Engineering – Oladayo Awodele, John Nedjoh

Loughborough Design School, Saransh Gupta

School of Science, Mojoyinola Awodele

School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences, Jing Qi

School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Faisal Alshawa

Unfortunately, currently there are no international graduate profiles for School of Arts, English and Drama or The Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering.

Visa information resources on our website

Within the Careers section of the Loughborough University website there is a section dedicated to international students –

There are is a very of  information and resources to help you moving forward with your career. These include several information sheets on visas ( Click on the links below to be taken to the fact sheets.

Permission to work for EEA Nationals

Permission to work during studies for Non-EEA Nationals

Permission to work after your studies for Non-EEA Nationals

UK Work Experience Under Tier 5 for Non-EEA Nationals

There is also a copy of the presentation given by Paragon International at the beginning of November, ‘Immigration Routes to Remain in the UK after your Studies’


English Language Resources for International Students at Loughborough University

As an international student you should all be automatically enrolled on these.

Workshops and resources offered by English Language Support Service.

  • LUA010Language and Skills Workshops and Short Courses for International Students This workshop highlights how you can present your skills and experience positively on your CV or in your supporting statement on an application form when applying for placements or employment. It focuses on the use of appropriate language and structures. • use key positive language on a CV or supporting statement; • write an effective supporting statement.


  •  LUA005 Online Language and Skills Support Resources for International students 
  • Welcome to this learning support module, which consists of resources and links aimed to help you with English language and academic skills whilst you are studying in your academic programmes. Select the area you need advice or support for from the menu of links below. Each link will take you to a page of resources which you can use according to your own specific needs.


  • LUA014Writing Centre for Home students (it can also be used by International students)
  • Online resources to help take your academic writing FROM GOOD TO GREAT!


Workshops and resources offered by the Library.

  • LBA001Get the Know How: skills to succeed


  • Get the Know-How is here to provide you with supporting material for all the academic skills workshops offered by the Library. We offer Face-to-face sessions, and online materials that you can work through at your own pace.

Feedback please on Student Circus – find roles in the UK which can sponsor a Tier-2 work visa

Student Circus has been created by two enterprising students working on a Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur visa.

**Dear International Students – we would love to hear your feedback if you have used the TRIAL version of Student Circus. What did you think ? Did you find it useful ? **

Student Circus is a niche job  search platform that enables internationals students to search for jobs in the UK with companies that can sponsor a Tier 2 visa for International Students.

For a video of what Student Circus have to offer, please see here

For further information about Student Circus, please see the website or contact the founders
Tripti  Maheshwari
and Dhruv Krishnaraj

Please bear in mind this is a new product on the market. We will be asking for any feedback from any Loughborough University students who have trialled this product in Semester 2.