Our Growing Collection of Professional Development Videos
Dr Colin Foster
I wanted to update everyone on progress with our developing collection of completely free professional development videos, which are available at https://www.lboro.ac.uk/services/lumen/professional-development/.
This collection has grown and grown, and we currently have 26 videos available on the site, with plenty more in the pipeline. Each video is around 30-40 minutes and they cover a wide range of topics relevant to teachers of mathematics from early years and primary through to secondary and beyond. Some are presented by colleagues from within our Mathematics Education Centre here, and others by external experts within mathematics education. Please do take a look and perhaps consider viewing them along with colleagues and discussing your reactions.
We’d be very grateful for some feedback on what you think of the videos, how you may have implemented any of the ideas from them, and of course any suggestions of topics or presenters you would particularly like to see in future videos. We have set up a short survey at https://bit.ly/3EnoPgX (it should take only 5-10 minutes to complete), and all responses will be entered into a draw to win one of 6 exciting mathematics-education-related books!
If that isn’t enough professional development, then there are also 19 free podcast episodes, in which Craig Barton, a Visiting Fellow at the Mathematics Education Centre and host of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, interviews academics from our Mathematics Education Centre. They include really practical classroom applications of research from mathematics education and cognitive science and make absolutely fascinating listening. Click here to try them out!
Finally, do register as a member of LUMEN so that we can keep in touch with you, and if you have any questions please email Emily Capewell, the LUMEN Coordinator, at lumen@lboro.ac.uk.
Colin Foster
Director of LUMEN (Loughborough University Mathematics Education Network)
Reader in Mathematics Education, Mathematics Education Centre, Loughborough University
The LUMEN Blog
A blog from the Loughborough University Mathematics Education Network