Jim York is 93, so this walk in the park was a feat of memory, undertaken from the armchair in the front room of his house in Leicester. Jim was cycle-racing competitively into his 80s, but is now less mobile. That didn’t stop him from talking about memories from lots of different periods of hisRead more
One of the most enjoyable aspects of my Poet in the Park residency at Bradgate has been running workshops for the public. I’ve met some talented writers from the area, and I’ve enjoyed seeing how they respond to the prompts. They have been good-humoured about my habit of coming up with daft names at theRead more
Shruti Chauhan is a poet from Leicester. She has created a reputation for sensitive and heartfelt performance poetry, first as part of ‘Three the Hard Way’, a national tour with Lydia Towsey and Jean Binta Breeze, and more recently with Yoni-Verse Poetry Collective (https://www.yoniversepoetrycollective.com) a group of female spoken word poets of South-Asian heritage. She’sRead more