Open Research


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The Digital Curation Center

We were very fortunate to have support from Digital Curation Centre (DCC) staff when devising some research data management training sessions, drafting our research data management policy and having a first look at data management planning. They facilitated three sessions to kick-start our research data management activities and these were well received by all in attendance.

We are hoping to arrange another event with the DCC in the autumn and we are looking forward to more enjoyable and rewarding sessions.

Incidentally, the DCC have a wealth of information and support on all matters relating to research data management. Some of my particular favourites at the moment are listed below.

  • Digital curation – if you want to understand what digital curation involves and why it is important take a look at this section of DCC’s website.
  • Data management plans – invaluable resources when writing a data management plan for a project or research funder.
  • Case studieswondering what other people are up to? Check out these cases studies to learn about research data management in action.