How to stay connected

In these current circumstances, it is important to stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues.
The University offers Microsoft Teams as part of its Office 365 package, making it easy to connect with colleagues for meetings. Some of us may be missing the comradery and support that comes with working in an office. Why not schedule some time in with your team during the week for a coffee break and a catch up, in the way you would at work? This gives you a chance to connect with colleagues and helps to build some normality into your routine.
It isn’t unusual to feel isolated during times of change. By recognising this feeling and thinking about options that will ease it is a positive step. The University’s ‘How we work during lockdown’ guide has excellent tips to get you started.
During this time we may also be missing our loved ones. Scheduling calls into your daily routine can help you to stay in touch with friends and family. However, some may worry that with little else going on, they will run out of things to discuss. Mind suggest picking a film or a TV show to watch with a friend to give you something to share and talk about.
Quizzes, parties and workouts are just a few of the activities that have moved online. Why not organise a night for your friends to all join a video call and become quiz master or DJ for the night? These moments of fun can help to take your mind off things whilst having a good time with friends.
If you would prefer to take part in an activity to stay connected LU Arts is running an online book club, with regular video meetings and a Good Reads forum to discuss the book as you read. The University Choir has also moved its rehearsals online and they are still accepting new members if you want to get involved.
However, it is also important to remember that you have the right to disconnect. If you need time to rest and get away from the screen, take it.
If you would like further support, the University has a dedicated webpage for staff, acting as a wellbeing one-stop shop to support you and provide guidance on a range of topics.
Health and Wellbeing
Wellbeing means being in a positive physical, social and mental state. Wellbeing is important to us as happy, healthy people who achieve harmony in their work / life mix are more creative, productive and help to create a great place to work.