Wednesday 24 April 2013, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
9.30- 16.00, refreshments and lunch provided.
HR Wallingford is an independent research and consultancy organisation specialising in civil engineering and environmental hydraulics. With a world-class staff and an international reputation for innovation and technical excellence, we’re always looking for exceptional candidates to enhance our existing teams.
Are you a postgraduate or graduate student in a relevant engineering or scientic discipline. We’d like to invite you to come to an Open Day at our Howbery Park campus to find out more about what we do. As well as hearing about some of our recent research and consultancy projects, we’ll show you around our unique facilities. You’ll get to meet some of our most recent recruits and learn about their experiences since joining HR Wallingford.
We have a limited number of places available. Please contact Sarah Moxon at HR Wallingford (, tel 01491 822364) by Wednesday 17 April 2013 to book your place.