2018 Conference (19-20 June)
This two day event bought together over sixty practitioners to hear about how institutions are meeting the challenges of reading lists. Group discussions were were focused around the role libraries should play with regards to reading lists and the motivations behind implementing a reading list solution.
2016 Conference (5th-6th April)
This two day event was filled with presentations from academic institutions and system suppliers.
2015 Conference (31st March-1st April)
This two day event was packed with presentations and group discussions.
2014 Conference (9th-10th April)
In Autumn 2013 we put a call out for speakers and were overwhelmed with the response such that we extended our traditional one day event to two days. Each day started with two presentations, followed by group discussions, lunch and then three presentations in the afternoon.
2013 Showcase (4th April)
This event highlighted experiences in the use and development of resource/reading list management systems.
2012 Workshop (16th August)
How do you get stakeholders interested in online reading lists? And how does a reading list management system relate to other systems?
2011 Workshop (14th July)
Do you know what resources your academics are recommending to students? How easy do your students find it to locate these key resources?