Freshers' blog

Freshers' blog

Help, advice and everything Loughborough University for new students.
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Wado-Ryu Karate l Focus Series

Samuel Rawlinson tells us all about AU Wado-Ryu Karate, a hard hitting sport that welcomes anyone of any ability, whether you’re brand new or a black belt.

SCOGUI at Loughborough l Focus Series

We spoke to Alex Hawkins, publicity rep for SCOGUI society. SCOGUI has been a part of the LSU since 1953 and boasts a fantastic range of opportunities and activities, and is often seen as one of the most diverse socieites on campus.

Stage Society l Focus Series

George writes about Stage Society, a society that incorporates a huge host of interests, from technical to acting. Whether you’re destined for the west-end, a budding director or a backstage technical wizard, this society is for you!  

AU Women’s Rugby at Loughborough l Focus Series

We spoke to Lucy Nye of AU Women’s rugby team, to find out more about why you should give a fresher taster session a go, and what makes LSWRFC so much fun to be involved with!

AU American Football l Focus Series

We’ve spoken to the Club President of AU American Football, James Bacon, to find out more about the sport and what makes their club unique.  

LSU Sing! l Focus Series

We speak to Amie, chair of LSU Sing!, a musically diverse performance choir who range from classical to modern acapella.

4 exam stress-busting techniques

Exams come around twice a year, and they can be the most stressful time in the academic calendar for some students.