My top 3 most memorable exams!

Hello Readers! It’s me again, back from my Easter holidays with some fun stories to tell. Going back home and watching my younger sister study for her exams brought back some memories of mine. My previous post was all about tips for getting ready for an exam, this post will follow-up on that with some horror stories and funny ones from my days in an exam hall.
Story #1
I was never very good at Biology, so you can imagine how much I struggled studying for the exam. I just had a very hard time grasping the terminologies, the definitions, just any of it really. And it not being my most favourite subject, I left it to the last minute when studying. Since there wasn’t a lot of time for me to study, I decided to pick and chose what topics I thought would come up in the exam. BIG mistake.
I can say with confidence the chapters that I chose to study, I would have aced in the exam. I knew everything word for word and I was so ready to write down everything I knew on that exam paper. But of course, knowing my luck, those topics I studied so hard for did not show up on the exam. Not a single one I picked out to study was on that question paper. I had to rack my brain for the some sort of answer to put down. Needless to say, I didn’t do very well on that exam.
Moral of the story: Save time to study everything in the textbook. DO NOT pick and choose chapters to study. Everything is important.
Story #2
Luckily this never happened to me, but it’s a funny story, it’d be a shame not to share it with you all. A classmate of mine was known to be quite the jokester in our class. He was always seen pulling pranks on people and it was quite hilarious to see someone finally pull a prank on him.
Our history exam was scheduled in for 9am that morning, but we had to arrive by 8:30am just to be on the safe side. My classmate walks in to the exam hall at 10am. I will never forget how he just strolled in with his pens in hand, and once he realised he got the time wrong, his face just dropped. What happened, I found out later, was that his friend had told him the exam had been postponed till 10am as a joke, they didn’t think he would actually believe it. The invigilators were not happy with him, but luckily let him continue on with his exam.
Moral of the story: Always double-check your exam time and venue. No matter what your friends say. Either check with a teacher or the official sheet of paper you are given with all the information about your exams.
Story #3
This was an unfortunate situation and luckily I did not get in trouble for it, but that doesn’t mean that anyone else won’t. Back in the day, we kept our school backpacks at the back of our exam hall. Needless to say, all electronics stayed in your bags as well. We had a bit of theft going on in our school so it was better to always keep you valuables close to you. Halfway through my maths exam, a phone started ringing.
Now I can’t exactly remember what the ringtone was, but it was definitely a very embarrassing hit at that time. I quickly recognised it as my phone. I did not know what to do, so I didn’t own up to it. Luckily for me, it didn’t ring for a long time, so there wasn’t enough time for a teacher to find it. But after that incident, I was definitely more careful to save myself the embarrassment, and any possible penalties.
Moral of the story: Make sure any of your electronic devices are switched off, on airplane mode or on silent. In an official exam, the consequences can be quite serious if you have any electronic devices on you, so make sure that they stay in your bag, away from you.
I hope you all enjoyed those little anecdotes, and I hope it reminds you to be cautious for your exams. I will just leave you one last advice: I know starting revision is always hard, finding the motivation to start is always difficult but I promise once you start, it will all flow quite easily and before you know it you’ve got plenty of chapters down. So stop making excuses and just crack those revision books open.
Good luck to everyone, till next month.
Lots of love,
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