End of the year celebrations

Exams are over! Well for most of us anyways. To be honest I didn’t even have exams in the first place but I have handed in my final piece of coursework and am ready to embrace summer. Now as an international student, I have got to catch a plane home and that’s not something I can suddenly get up and do. I have booked my flight at least half a year in advance, so since I’ve handed in my last piece of coursework I’ve just been sitting around waiting for my flight. I have been keeping myself busy; there are still plenty of things to do in Loughborough to keep myself entertained.
As a student that lives in town and not in catered halls anymore I cook a lot, I have to. But since I’ve had more free time, I have been a bit more adventurous with my cooking. I have strayed from a simple fajita or spaghetti bolognese and recently attempted to make some homemade spring rolls instead of buying them from a local Chinese takeaway.
Now as much as I had fun being an adventurous chef, I can’t help but eat at one of Loughborough’s many restaurants. My favourite restaurant is The Basin, and I’m not being biased because I do happen to work there as well. This restaurant serves a Chinese, Japanese and Thai cuisine, and being from Asia myself, I just can’t resist. Loughborough town does cater to other cuisines as well. And they are the perfect places to go with friends and visiting family. These cuisines include: Italian, American, Indian, Brazilian, Mexican, etc.
Now relaxing isn’t all about food (though to me it definitely is), but I have taken this time to catch up on some reading. I haven’t spent as much time reading as I used to as I have kept myself quite busy during my time here. Between my coursework, my part time job and societies, I just haven’t that much free time to myself. I am someone who prefers to keep myself busy anyways. There is a library on campus for you to take out a book for leisure reading and if you decide to live in town, there is another library near Queen’s Park as well. If not you can always pop down to Waterstone’s or a charity shop to buy a book, or just order one online.
The last thing I have been doing in this town is spending the last few weeks with my friends. A lot of them are going on placement next year and I won’t be able to see them as much. I can honestly say I have made some of my best friends here at University and created an experience for myself like none other. Apart from eating out with your friends, there are amazing clubs both in town and on campus to celebrate in.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is that there are plenty of things for you to do here at Loughborough. It may not be a big city like Leicester or Nottingham but in its own little bubble, there is something for everyone. And if it’s not enough, you can read my previous blog post about things to do in Leicestershire, if you fancy a trip out of Loughborough.
Lots of love,
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