Brane and Membrane of Drawing Through the Cosmic Web N Dimensional Speidos and Speed of the Weave Cosmological Constancy…
Edwin VanGorder

Brane and Membrane of Drawing Through the Cosmic Web N Dimensional Speidos and Speed of the Weave Cosmological Constancy…
Cabanne on Duchamp Mirroring models in his introduction a gambit of the Glass wherein he references Duchamp’s own marking a “derby” of Wrights ie Joseph Wright of Derby and his “brothers” stripping bare as it were the cloak of painting “Philosophy and Alchemy” with some Frank Loyd Apostrophe of inside and outside … altogether then perhaps to the vestiges of arena of wholeness composed to all apposite visual and n dimensional transitive environment modelled very likely in the malic molds to Brancusi’s studios which he Brancusi insisted kept intact as his museum similar to his exclusive “rights” to photography.(the studios maintained as well the “presence” of works sold via plaster casts… this presence of the work finds it’s way into Duchamp’s otherwise n-dimensional chess…an insistence on the ranks from gambit or opening as mathentos or Brane…to membrane as it were to coin a meme.
The Cabanne Intro compares to physicist Bohm’s “Rhea Mode” which reflective of his confederate Einstein considers raising to view a second time to review towards “relevance” or re levanting (levate to lift to view ie implicative of the broad Sanskrit sense of drawing to view)
“speidos” Greek for branching of “eidos” or idea thus a branch of the branch is “spider”
Thus Cabanne give three introductions, one by the Mawkish Marquee Dali who assiduously illustrated the green box throughout his paintings to a degree he was almost the Gozoli of Duchamp’s Monastic heir of Tres Riche Heures now anagrammatic shall we say to “heuristic rose”… and also in the NY genesis Motherwell as reflective on conversational time and Johns towards language space.
I would add to this a right Duchamp has earned to be compared with Heraclitus both in their hermitic yet dialectical outlook and their wedding of Physics and Art of which Duchamp pointedly returns Davinci as an example of a reverse of the expectations that art Is influenced by technology….
hosted by TRACEY at Loughborough University