Drawing With Words
Edwin VanGorder
Quantum and String Entangled Drawing: An Artist’s Benchmarking Hypothesis
BenchMark: Comparative Analysis
It’s an Attunement which turns back on itself like that of the bow and the lyre
The String of Logic and the drawing line of attack meet in a circle from which sphere projects the n dimensional chess which requires a backtracking to harmonic fundamentals on which I fashion a goldensection grid to project a kind of musical approach within drawing from Bernini to Paganini to Current physics and Mathematical research papers in which I particularly locate a nexus in string and quantum theory the cosmological genesis of the number line which has concrete appraisals in say the thin material constructs.
Hyper Art of Arrays:
Entangled Drawing Systems Fluxonium: n dimensional Glass and Black Boxes String Analytic Drafting Harmonics: A Quaternion Hamiltonian Fuzzy Palendrome Quincuncx
Ω Bob and Alice Black and White Holes
Ω Hypothetical Entangled Quantum Gates
Ω Pre and Post Drawing with Words
Ω Gnomon Gamma
Ω Pascal’s Triangle Simplex to Complex
Ω Quaternion Gates to Critical Strip
Ω Drawing Fabricia Three dim Thin Material printing and Proton space N Dimensional
Edwin VanGorder
Warrants of Drawing Research >Pythagorean Lyre to Heraclitean Bow <
Toy Eye on Model and Intercepts over Migration: Drawing Structure in the Direct Composites of Analogical over Allegorical Presentation of Flux and Mathentos : Bow to Lyre.
I am an artist long immersed in drawing out the relations driving poetry, Sanskrit, rhetoric, into a mathematical form and referencing this in my drawing where I define art as that in which you learn while contributing inasmuch as one dares to define…therefore schooled in the Rodin drawing mode of eyes on model I likewise am loath at the mathematical arrival to skirt the issue by the tactic of allegory notwithstanding all the successes ie Flatland, Duchamp’s Glass, Escher, etc… I enclose the link to my hardcore mathematical analytic within my drawing projects in that volume.. here I will give a ‘toy” or simplified presentation: the project drawing here relates the intercept of a spiral geometry and natural division by halves to the structuring in quantum computers of the Josephson Connection and electron Cooper Pairs… The former has to do with computers in close proximity becoming entangled and the latter is similarly the effect of electrons entangling in circumstances where low temperature allows their charge to alter their environment reducing resistance and enabling entanglement. So the drawing gives two boxes so to speak in which an interval space carries the information of a spiral sectioning relative a similar proportion approached in halves such at midline they merge together and create a ratio which transmits to the larger field, normalization then, or the perception in proportions then is in itself a form of “toy” theory…which turns back on itself…. “like that of the bow and the lyre’…
Pythagorean Bolero: Bob, Alice and a 3 Body Superposition (Assistants)…
The ‘tipping point’ has entered the collective consciousness… In the mathematics the number of procedures one is collectively providing as the behavior axis give a variety of these corresponding to ordinal ranking of the cardinal procession otherwise “string”.
There are, therefore, a number of “catastrophes” or bifurcation situations which describe the alternating expansion and contraction of limits relative passing midline… I am passing on here to the simplest theoretical model of the whole paradigm on the number line itself in order to draw out the inter relation of three specific Constants namely Eulers’s natural Log, The Planck, and the Feigenbaum constant and of these the Pythagorean “Elemental” as it were will be to approach the structural meaning of the designated “coupling” …. elemental…
The Bell theorem relative Planck in particular elucidates coupling: and a simple way to introduce it is to take a look at symmetry as producing our mode of recognizing what we call numbers… wherein at two that symmetry there by composes the unique even prime, in a sense the first number and this “primed” ie elaborated produces its echoes of 1 and three borne of it. With four of course the doublet and with five the course of primes then which from that midline will proceed as twice an even and divided three as a factoring mode of a sequence which because of the doubling is linked to the square root of two namely the diagonal of a unitary proportion and so doublings as the signature of echoes from the beginning in relation to cardinality are the ordinality which meets the diagonal and this in turn produces at right angle intercept the spiral or log which then provides two forms of symmetry, viz bilateral, and spiral or log. The Bell inequality simply formalizes this process the meaning of which relative the Planck which is founded on perfect square 8by 8 =64 = .0156 thus as you can see in the Planck 6.2007015 a wraparound structure where the six at beginning meets the end as .0156 and the initial 6.2 approximatel golden section .618 times ten stands relative the whole number in reciprocal which at .16127207 similarly wraps seven to .161 as approx. .1618 or 1.618 divided by ten, and .1056 divides a golden section grid composed of values of first four turns as an even surface of 64 times that .0156 and the the value .1056 which is the gap or convection space of twice the square root of five in unity relates then0,1 and1,0 Pauli brackets defining trace diagonal relative .0056 which is derived of .56 which squared is Pi and in reciprocal 1.7854 of which .7854 times four is pi… while the root of the golden section .788 is 4pi and its half two pi. These are a spatial connection between the diameter of a circle and the diagonal of a square relative its half ration which are four fold communication internally as quadrants of the square root of two and at doubling aside then the square root of four.
I observe that The Planck divided the Natural Log is the Feigenbaum Constant…
The latter is a map of bifurcation value and the natural log studies the relative magnitudes of the number line in progression and its harmonic structure is very forthcoming in the values one discerns over 2.7182818284590
Where: one sees 2.718 and 8172 are transposed, and while .8172 is in reciprocal 1.2236 and doubled then the square root of six, .1828 is its complement and time 8 1.46 or ten times the fourth turn of the golden section spiral corresponding spatially to the four pi motif. .8128 is a perfect number meaning sum of its factors. The halved terms of 45 and 90 give angular momentum as it were wherein also .45 as .6708 in reciprocal is three times the half of the square root of five. The Feigenbaum constant of 4.66 is in reciprocal .2146 and its complement .7854 times four is pi. The number .2146 time nine is 1.472 and in reciprocal .518, this number which in reciprocal 1.927 composes .6336 as in reciprocal unity plus the square root of three with .64 likewise in reciprocal then 1.56 of which .56 squares Is pi and .65 in reciprocal unity plus three times the golden section, that number of .518 then added to .6708 is two, and the blackbody equilibrium or status of a graviton would be 2.22222 emblematic of our coupling constraints so far observed.
The spin of the Bell theorem recognizes a diabetic/adiabatic comport to Bob and Alice as co-chains in their parsing of binary information while the introduction of assistants between them creates a superposition similar to the three body problem towards complicating over- all any hidden variables to local constrains
Elasticism upon Plasticism
Meet their models between art and cosmogeny in this drawings random walk studying what quantum thinking terms coherent and incoherent states in which the first term references module referent which is then elastic so to speak and returns to its formative matrix whereas decoherence is the mixed state potential in which tangential operatives offer in contrast to the field dependent and dependent function independent as one associates with fuzzy numbers. A general sense of offset in turn of a mathematical subspace then belongs to another version of reorientation (visually taking corners obliquely to open a polygon over the rectangular field. The Random walk here has a physicality in a reference to the Bali temple of Agung , Gates of Heaven, which Rodin modified in Gates of Hell at Philadelphia museum across from the Duchamp room with large glass, and in that environment then is offered the mathematical contrast so to speak between a Glass Box, where a philosophy is possible, and a Black Box where information is projected and received but the actual structure is not known, as in our deepest physics anomalies. The Bali temple faces the mystery of a volcano with an opening feature, a huge door to heaven as it were which finds vision itself a source of clarity whereas in the Rodin work Michelangelo’s certainty dissolves into a flux formed on a sheer intuition. In the drawing I form proportions across harmonic roots which are divergent, ie an irregualar spiral in relation to proportions built at edges which may redistribute the forms in a plastic mode of independent functions, while a centering aspect gives an alternative approach to the Polygon mixed state through its proportional offset verging on a centering aspect which at a horizon will split the spiral convergent to underlying quadrants.
………………………………………… 213L3……………………………………………………………………….
N Choose K @Perturbing Chaos Viz Gravitation and Quantum Information or Drawing Recherche Research on Red Flagging the Ultraviolet Catastrophe: Co Dependence in Fields or Not?
Linking the information that comes out daily in physics and mathematical research within my drawing research is quite a mosaic… In this case I am linking the articles on “A Post Quantum Theory of Classical Gravity? “ and also “Learning Quantum Gates and Unities of Bounded Gate Complexity”… which to simplify offer a cross referencing of quantum graphing with the struggle to resolve the two sides of the Einstein Gravitation Equations anomaly… the latter suffers from the gravity of the weak force being ten quadrillion times less than what the other side of equation predicts while the quantum gates article is studying the parameters of the Schrodinger equation which compare space and time rather than treat them as a field invariant, but rather then as a form of independent function, e.g. , in question form: can a stochastic regime be structured over space time?
To cut to the chase my intuition is that if you place the zero pattern of ten quadrillion in a Clifford matrix ie extending the familiar Pauli to a trace line (diagonal) of zeros in groups of three as is their base tensor but do it incorrectly by staggering to create a kind of ziggurat formation each step drop is a dimension neither in space nor time whereas a field is always everywhere in both space and time… Rather, they are dimensions in combinatoric magnitude as though a field to end all fields but like the square of negative one are placeholders for potential gravity where gravity is difference between fields which however propagate as quickly as their particles in virtual state which in for example the Higgs have to brief a life to interact with anything yet their fields widen the reading of potential and probably within the context of space itself then as lowest entropic regime beneath that granted fields, somehow itself not a field in the same way the Higgs field while endowing mass to particles does not endow mass to itself.
For the sake of the drawing and up along the way I begin with a cosmological genesis of two symmetries on the number line where the distinction of bilateral symmetry initially defines unity as modulus one and from this simultaneously then two and three, thus one has the apparatus preparative of Pascals Triangle and the conditioning one may make of quantum gates as discerning the Clifford diagonal can find a step pattern which compare to relating the halves of Schrodinger’s theorem with Einsteins Gravitational paradox, with Schoedinger the relation one begins with the cosmological Pascal triangle I invoke has the follow up there of a log symmetry introduced by the square root of two where two as initial and unique prime embeds the square root of two and this as .707 is seven times .101 which is square root of Pi in reciprocal thus the embedding to quadrants is the nature of the discrimination to 4 pi and 8 pi and 16 pi in the matrixes and their transpose sets towards rotation analysis. For Schoedinger then the algebraic “I” stands on one side of the oscillation and the natural log or bilateral division on other, as their values close the definition of oscillation flux to resonance is that relation to harmonics which Dirac fronts in a compactification which referenced to the square root of two as the mass upon the oblong statistic in diegesis is relating the tipping point or catastrophe ie familiar ultraviolet catastrophe to a corollary in the “critical strip of the Riemannian Hypothesis In considering the Dirac matrices in relation to quantum gate forms then the structuring of the Clifford trace as unitary operator over depth of stacking where that stacking is identified in Pascals triangle as simplex formation or degrees of a binomial expression and the Pascal diagram has an offset pattern or angular momentum in its summation which corresponds roughly to my intuition that the stacking of the zeroes in sets of three of the number ten quadrillion which is the difference in degree posed on the two sides of the Einstein gravity equation anomaly if staggered on trace will essentially drop a dimension or bracket of the quantum gate indices stack or Pascals triangle motif of angular momentum visual to the simplex.
This then is per article on a post quantum theory aside from a quantum loop approach to Planck to some degree but at the same time I believe the base module of the Planck as built on the 64 matrix from then .1056 which is gap space of root five twice applied and relates l56 which squared is is pi to 01 and 10 as Clifford/Pauli trace. The number shows as wraparound in Plank ie 105 joins origin 6 and in reciprocal the 62 approx. .618 likewise wraps around to relate the golden section that being formed on its root which happens to be four pi considered in reciprocal form while being composed of square root of ten and eleven which respectively relate tenfold that reciprocal of pi and three to it. In m drawing then I consider .0156 a modulus which will cover a unitary field, it is a unitary operator which then can compare to the natural log as they approach scale and produce then a harmonic quantum Hall effect so to speak in the flux differential harmonic which traces in oscillation limit coupling resonance over fields created in passing through the n dimensional sourcing of what structures the Bell Inequality into a gravity simplex.
Drawing Bridges of Sub-Luminous Flux Vantaged Pascal’s Triangle.
Notes from The Dalton Board of Education, W. Warrants from Monte Carlo, Duchamp and L.Duchamp over Cultural and Mathematical Integrations.
A compactification of binomial or behavior axis expansion from Pascal’s triangle as a quantum gate and matrix potential for staging n dimensional referents places an origin there to symmetries bilateral and log which attend to the compactification of the Schoedinger, Ferrier, Critical strip Riemannian, Gaussian, and Pdic structure as tension over establishing unity relative mod as configure algebraically to (i) where the modulus in the space of area constraint to its expansion in time find the relation of the square root of two derived of an initial symmetry then projecting log and natural or bilateral symmetries and the natural log as referencing their meeting at a resonance factor.
From this the compact complex is analytic continuation from the PDIC to the Ramsey numbers from Pascal’s simplex situating LIE geometry to also the Hermitian golden section grid I use in the drawing is then referred in the drawing to exemplars of axion cloud formation and also a recently discovered specific subluminal transient supernova which give a view into how “hot” spots in sorting can create a slight asymmetry in projection.
The drawing is headed so to speak with an apparent Lissajous curve from which paradigm the drawing pairs a sin and cosine development of independent functions with a weighting of the octonion spinor models k and j axis in difference and then that provided with a natural number or n-dimensional referent to such as indexing over. The fuzzy number indexing would be the corollary of “hot spots” distinguished to local exigency over contingency. Thus Chebyshev and Discrete Chebyshev polynomials share a mathematical space.
Subaltern Ordering
There is for the drawings sake a subaltern ordering as subluminous to itself of the order that The Planck divided Natural Log is square root of five … a parametrization as it were on that account up along the way…
2: Drawing as a nonlinear equation: The semi direct tangents on this drawing require branching a consideration of the Planck to Eulers as focusing on an inherent time space in the cosmogenesis also of the number line in relation to several sortings…. Which in fact will require follow up drawings… but here I begin with relating the structure of Pascals triangle as mentioned to quantum gate circuits and this to the structure of the Feigenbaum in terms of log and natural progression as it contributes to the picture.
the Galton Board , a creation by the mathematician Galton showing probability functions as relating one channel to many gates, and many gate then to one channel as so to speak the hour glass reversed was the structure one recognizes in Duchamps door in Philadelphia 1, The Given and 2 the Waterfall, in relation to this one recognizes then the “Comb with broken tooth”, The Monte Carlo ticket(Monte Carlo mathematical probability of turns which in my drawing I reference to Pascals triangle in which then the ziggurat structure may correspond to quantum gates) while his Warrant is a reference to the migrating of the term to contemporary rhetoric referencing probability structure to chaos theory…. The appreciation of Duchamp was lent to cultural integration by “little Duchamp namely Richard Hamilton whose ability to morph into a Ducham Channel gave his book a standing archival form (Ducham allowed him to sign his name to a copy of the Glass ( if alive today no doubt the pair would be using three dimensional printing to distribute the glass into graphene layers on an atomic and subatomic layering…)…
Feed Back Watershed Over Watershed Feedback Relative Glass Box Tidal Wave and Bracket in the Making of Tidal Flux Errors on Boot Strap Prints in The Black Box Oracle.
As though with Bob’s computer in a black hole and Alice’s in a white:….
: Mathematically my interests in this drawing focus on the relation between “gamma” and the Greek gnomon, or rectangle complements of square field which have an overlap of the complement as the difference in the figure from an internal square… gamma, then describes successive unitary comparisons in this mode and this structures the measurability of mathematical models to analytic continuation… The structuring which occurs in this drawing then is basic but has a resonance: as divided in half the ratio of the complements halved then show their complete contrast in each quadrant like mirrors… however if the order is inverted on one half one produces a kind of spinor which is essentially the structure of the axes of the quaternion and these axes can be loaded at their hypotenuse reading to various tangents reflect cos, sine, log spiral and the natural divisions which started the process of dividing continuously by half. However, at midline the different proportions one has shifted will combine across the center each as emblematic of the square root of two continuing mass at the reduced scale of the spiral also meeting the reduced scale of the half ratio process. Comparing these reduced ratios they may be considered back to the full square field as ratio and these smaller ratios are essentially the suffixes of harmonic terms which correspond to the “shell” values of the elastic progress of “a” through these log and natural or as the saying is “natural log”…and when added to unity will suddenly subdivide by an Ansatz or Taylor like method to specific harmonic thresholds as ratio thereby a form of Hall effect to ones interests.
That is: a simplex, to complex analytic continuity features horizons of log to natural symmetrical construct over “event horizons” to borrow a word in which the idea of black and white holes over information theory in this case builds a slope intercept over ‘Pauli noise” or Clifford diagonal matrix linking bilateral and spiral symmetries (to square root of two and four) and the decimal log forms as transitions between integer states of the pdic one might intuit as renormalizations on a point to plane over sphere affine projection on renormalized spatial construct of successive horizons in log and natural sequence such that the differences are performative ”gravity’… a previous view I maintain is to see this as though quantum gates relative Pascals Triangle with now the added performative of Eulers three sphere upon a three body notion one might take for example to merging triad black holes which make diversions upon information theory a form of information recovery in the mode of its creation. Correspondingly, as information theory then if Artificial Intelligence was asked to make an outline of this article so far it probably could not… yet AI potential for scanning millions of produced research projects to find their concept zone affine projections as it were upon some resonance is exactly where it would be most useful! One could compare this perhaps with Remembrance of Things Past and Albertine as not so much a person but a string of events and places her constructed personae represented over that books own substitution of the original 17 -18 century slit screen experiment displacing in time and effect the apparent references to Impressionism with instead an analytic of “Two Ways”…. (Albertine a reference to the architectural “Alberti Window) ie a window made as much as possible to look like an architectural tableau… from Alberti and Albertine to Bob and Alice and back again…
Peri Pergamon : Gnomon/Gamma -knowing/noema/number/game/gambit/means on nomenclature: The Greek site of Pergamon where reputedly western book binding became new paradigm to scroll its self in shape seems to echo the transformation and looking again at a light fixture in my own environment where bulb form and disc in light shield look like diagram of black hole, and white light in center radiates around it the spectrum colors softening output as a similar devolvement my drawing takes up a theme of transitive gnomon gates upon an elasticity in function branching from field dependent to field invariant, from dependent to independent… staging differences between elasticity and plasticity black hole to white, black box to glass…
The simplest description is of a fundamental and open state sharing a complementary embedded one, in which the two sequentially transpose.
Pauli Nexus Combinatorics Torus: The Clifford structural diagonal immortalized in 1,0/01 Pauli brackets shows the essential algebraic “I” in that less than one division states finding a mod term within unitary space and division extends the limit as time while in the opposite clause the reciprocal state then is transpose and division states mod to unitary limit time like this time and then multiplication space like. In spinor form the quadrants reorganize on diagonal space in the octonion model. Godel’s observation that numbers map themselves witness bijective magnitudes may be lensed to begin with by observing equilibrium states such as the reciprocal of 45 as .02222222 ..…or .045 as 2.222222…. shall we say then the forty five degree angle of trigonometry responds to queries on its string length or interior product as a behavior axis ie dividing into unity 2.2222 we get 45 00045 thus the string length is stated to brane as three spaces open to modulus closure. The structure of some 400 algebras is over 1.234567 9as ordinal tract of .81 in reciprocal and so the map states that between the limits of 1 and 8 the necessary opening symmetry of two to state unity upon that bilateral comparison and the 1 on left of decimal is relation to the absent 8 states 8 as mod to one defined on two as the numbers of perception where then two as unique even prime defines then three as a form of complement initiating the left and right definitions towards the compact complex. Returning to string length then we see if we extend the time definition and query 2.22222222 we get 2.000000002 and the focus of this central expansion then of the simplex identification where 0,1, 10 identify the square root of two as resting mass of the oblong statistic to its square identity proportion where a sum divided two is the status of its reciprocal times five and the dependent clause states the diagonal. The Pythagorean redistribution of the diagonal is in a sense then an independent clause which states the result as well… and this view from the edge is the status of the Greek “Gnomon
Furtherance notes on: Gnomon, gamma, knowing mean, meaning knowing, game and gambit: That the complement of a rectangle in square or unity field is the same as the proportion it diverges from unity in the oblong evident is minus the square of over lap in field and this then procedurally is the same as gamma, in fact gamma and gnomon seem essentially the same word spelled differently.
This drawing build on this from the particular vantage of the quaternion as structuring formal spinor divergence to independent functions relating to the bifurcation and catastrophe ratio of the Feigenbaum constant where 4.66 in reciprocal .2146 provides a complement .7854 which times ten as 7.854 creates a gnomon gamma cascade on the estate of an embedded 1.854 operator which is the golden section three fold. In relation to this I muse on the complexity of combinatoric mapping, we saw with ease a case for discerning the estate of .81 but reconnoitering over this territory that string lengths state is succession ( meaning transcendental numbers such as PI add your continued presence of viewing into their length in a quantum like Hall effect so to speak)… the mod lengths of large numbers one can see are best viewed to renormalization geometry if a mod has for example 20 million digits.
A number such as 1.618 then states that to unity is compared to 6 as to unity is compared 8 as the difference between two making ten is distributed over one divided two as complement divided five. In this way nature’s way of thinking seems stated on the cosmogenesis of the number line. The evolving principles are that bilateral and log symmetries will close upon each otherer and create dynamic differences resulting in fuzzy number flux equations over a dissonance to resonance in which a combinatorial schematic over both and alternately branching and compactified threshold localize to view in bridging of triangular numbers and Pascals Triangle and its ziggurat mode of quantum gate affiliations of simplex to complex over dependent and independent times to space and time like characteristics. As we comport Bob and Alice to Black and Glass holisms between singularities.
Quantum and String Entangled Drawing
:An Occupational Hypothesis On the Artist’s Benchmarking
hosted by TRACEY at Loughborough University