Warrants of Drawing Research Drawing on Cosmogenesis of the Numberline
Edwin VanGorder

Warrants of Drawing Research and the Pythagorean Lyre to Heraclitan Bow of Quanta to Cosmic Harmonic Transverse
Pythagorean Bolero: Bob, Alice and a 3 Body Superposition (Assistants)…
The ‘tipping point’ has entered the collective consciousness… In the mathematics the number of procedures one is collectively providing as the behavior axis give a variety of these corresponding to ordinal ranking of the cardinal procession otherwise “string”.
There are, therefore, a number of “catastrophes” or bifurcation situations which describe the alternating expansion and contraction of limits relative passing midline… I am passing on here to the simplest theoretical model of the whole paradigm on the number line itself in order to draw out the inter relation of three specific Constants namely Eulers’s natural Log, The Planck, and the Feigenbaum constant and of these the Pythagorean “Elemental” as it were will be to approach the structural meaning of the designated “coupling” …. elemental…
The Bell theorem relative Planck in particular elucidates coupling: and a simple way to introduce it is to take a look at symmetry as producing our mode of recognizing what we call numbers… wherein at two that symmetry there by composes the unique even prime, in a sense the first number and this “primed” ie elaborated produces its echoes of 1 and three borne of it. With four of course the doublet and with five the course of primes then which from that midline will proceed as twice an even and divided three as a factoring mode of a sequence which because of the doubling is linked to the square root of two namely the diagonal of a unitary proportion and so doublings as the signature of echoes from the beginning in relation to cardinality are the ordinality which meets the diagonal and this in turn produces at right angle intercept the spiral or log which then provides two forms of symmetry, viz bilateral, and spiral or log. The Bell inequality simply formalizes this process the meaning of which relative the Planck which is founded on perfect square 8by 8 =64 = .0156 thus as you can see in the Planck 6.2007015 a wraparound structure where the six at beginning meets the end as .0156 and the initial 6.2 approximatel golden section .618 times ten stands relative the whole number in reciprocal which at .16127207 similarly wraps seven to .161 as approx. .1618 or 1.618 divided by ten, and .1056 divides a golden section grid composed of values of first four turns as an even surface of 64 times that .0156 and the the value .1056 which is the gap or convection space of twice the square root of five in unity relates then0,1 and1,0 Pauli brackets defining trace diagonal relative .0056 which is derived of .56 which squared is Pi and in reciprocal 1.7854 of which .7854 times four is pi… while the root of the golden section .788 is 4pi and its half two pi. These are a spatial connection between the diameter of a circle and the diagonal of a square relative its half ration which are four fold communication internally as quadrants of the square root of two and at doubling aside then the square root of four.
I observe that The Planck divided the Natural Log is the Feigenbaum Constant…
The latter is a map of bifurcation value and the natural log studies the relative magnitudes of the number line in progression and its harmonic structure is very forthcoming in the values one discerns over 2.7182818284590
Where: one sees 2.718 and 8172 are transposed, and while .8172 is in reciprocal 1.2236 and doubled then the square root of six, .1828 is its complement and time 8 1.46 or ten times the fourth turn of the golden section spiral corresponding spatially to the four pi motif. .8128 is a perfect number meaning sum of its factors. The halved terms of 45 and 90 give angular momentum as it were wherein also .45 as .6708 in reciprocal is three times the half of the square root of five. The Feigenbaum constant of 4.66 is in reciprocal .2146 and its complement .7854 times four is pi. The number .2146 time nine is 1.472 and in reciprocal .518, this number which in reciprocal 1.927 composes .6336 as in reciprocal unity plus the square root of three with .64 likewise in reciprocal then 1.56 of which .56 squares Is pi and .65 in reciprocal unity plus three times the golden section, that number of .518 then added to .6708 is two, and the blackbody equilibrium or status of a graviton would be 2.22222 emblematic of our coupling constraints so far observed.
The spin of the Bell theorem recognizes a diabetic/adiabatic comport to Bob and Alice as co-chains in their parsing of binary information while the introduction of assistants between them creates a superposition similar to the three body problem towards complicating over- all any hidden variables to local constrains
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