Societies feature – Disney Society
With over one hundred different societies at Loughborough, we have everything from Hindu, Hiking, and Surfing to Shakespeare, DJ , and Dodgeball; so you’re sure to find a LSU society to suit you!
To showcase the variety of societies we have at the Student’s Union we’ll be speaking to different societies to find out who they are, what they’re up to and what they’ve got in store for the year ahead.
Any societies who’d like to get in touch with us and be featured on the blog should contact:
Be our guest; we’ve been speaking with LSU Disney Society!
What is the Disney society about?
The Disney Society was created after myself and the co-chair, Marisha West, realised that there were lots of people in Loughborough who loved Disney as much as we did. Our aims are to provide the students of Loughborough with a friendly society that allows them to meet new people.
When did the Disney society start?
The Disney society became an official society in September 2014
What have been some of your most memorable events from the last year?
Without a doubt, the Cinderella Ball. Everyone dressed up and awards were presented to the ‘best’ Prince and Princess of the evening.
For our first ever social over fifty people attended; the majority dressed up. We had a fancy dress competition, face-painting, a Disney quiz – it was the best start we could have ever asked for.
We also took part in the Society Sports Dodgeball Game, and it was so much fun as the team dressed as The Incredibles.
What are your plans for the future of the Disney society?
We hope to hold a proper Disney Games event throughout the year, where the characters compete in their teams “Heroes”, “Villains”, and “Sidekicks”. We’re also striving to continue our winning streak after the success of last year’s Society Awards, where we won Best New Society, Best In Section, and both co-chairs received the Best Partnership award.
What would you say to someone thinking about joining the Disney society?
Do it. This society has provided me with more friends, fun times, laughs and loves than I could have ever dreamed, and there is a sense of family within the society. We will always look out for you and be there for you, and every member is special and important to us.
The beauty and magic of Disney truly reflects in this society, and if you come for one social, or sit through nine films, you will feel part of something.
Finally, what’s one thing you want us to know about you, the Disney society?
The Disney Society is your chance to recapture your childhood, and have a laugh with like-minded people. To find out anything you need to know, tweet us @lsudisneysoc, find us on Facebook, or email us:
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