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DRN2024: Drawing Repetition Call for Presentations

6 November 2023

2 mins

Conveners: Drawing Research Group, Loughborough University

Nick Aikman, ‘Square Holes Round Pegs,(detail), 2023.

Deadline: 1st December 2023

This series of online events aims to explore the notion of repetition in drawing. By this we suggest that repetition is inherent to drawing in its potentiality. 

Where to begin? At the field of the surface yet to be marked by the trace of a gesture. At the first mark made ordinal and original by the seriality of the second, third, fourth. Each gesture tracing the dynamic arc of the previous. Repetition engendering difference, not only across the surface but in the choreography of the dance entrained to the rhythm of the mark. And where there is rhythm, there is again the structuring of repetition and difference. We return to the surface. Another oscillation. Casting away towards the horizon where intention meets accident, anticipating the yet to be otherwise. To return to the trace and its minimal repeatability.

So where to begin? Perhaps with that which gives rise to drawing; the event. But we have been here before, with Drawing Repetition. 

Each session of presented papers aims to provide a space for discussion, dissemination, and the exchange of knowledge. With the intention of promoting fertile interactions that explore this conceptually rich terrain, we suggest the following as starting points and as possible themes, prompts and provocations:

  • How can repetitive mark-making and/or repetitive action enable development? 
  • In what ways can a repeated image reinforce or transform meaning?
  • What can the complexity of rhythm do to drawing?  
  • How can boredom or ‘stuckness’ incite novelty in drawing?
  • In what ways can loops or circulatory processes or structures be investigated through drawing?
  • How can drawing explore habitual behaviour?

Each event will take the form of 2/3 presentations, which address the call’s theme, followed by a Q&A session. We would like to invite proposals for a 20-minute presentation which addresses the theme from practitioners, theorists, and practitioner-researchers. To apply please submit one word .docx document, labelled as follows: surname.forename.presentation and include the following:

· 250-word abstract detailing the research question and proposed presentation
· 50-word biography

Deadline: 1st December 2023

Submission link:


hosted by TRACEY at Loughborough University

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