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Vows of the Marhajjha Particle Drawing on Difficult Visualization

3 May 2022

2 mins

Edwin Van Gorder

Chaos :Strife and Drawing on Imagining a pred-dimensional medium such as that spatial extension of space itself prior space time in which the energy involved has no reason to be ordered and no reason to be disordered therefore we have to consider our preconceptions…brings us back rather shoulder to shoulder with the Presocratics as usual and necessary as even a fashion line named Everything Everywhere at Once prompts the cultural dimensions of Long Live Fashion to cosmogeny alite cosmology fashioning the yet difficult Heraclitan synthesis upon his sources extending strife and chaos within the imagination of the speaker to share that chaos presupposes order and order chaos… we have gradually adapted to the realization that explosion is an intuitive fallacy better described as expansion… the interest in finding to some extent the “shape” of the Higgs field similarly must meet a kind of moment of questioning whether visualization is always possible the answer being hinted at in for example an instruction towards learning a speech pattern (Chinese ) Stars? Stars!… the question and answer shows in our visual field like harmony and melody as we “open scan” then settle into a series of connectives which then open out again: similarly the unruly primal universe is a medium where densities in some wise both separate and come together, nearness is the force of gravity in coalescence patterns redistricted then as its own common denominator and suggestive of that order of particles which are their own antiparticles…


hosted by TRACEY at Loughborough University

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