Freshers' blog

Freshers' blog

Help, advice and everything Loughborough University for new students.
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Pros and cons of part-time work while studying at university

Aside from the extra cash, there are lots of other great advantages to working part-time; but like most things, there are also some disadvantages. If you’re thinking of getting a part-time job, it’s worth taking a peek at the pros and cons we’ve collated.

Managing money and sticking to a budget

For some, moving to University may be your first experience with independently managing your finances while being away from home. We’ve got some tips and advice to help you stay on track, and in the black.

5 tips for fighting freshers flu

Here at Loughborough, we want you to enjoy your Freshers’ Week, but we also want you to stay safe and healthy. That’s right – we’re putting on our best mum/dad voice in this blog post!

Getting to grips with academic jargon at Loughborough

The beginning of university can sometimes feel like a baptism of fire. Freshers’ Week aside, you are bombarded with new information from all angles; from the overwhelming amount of information to do with your new course, getting to grips with your new location or remembering those all-important faces which have entered your sphere – there’s […]

Why Freshers should attend the Graduate and Placement Fair

You may or may not be aware that next week, on campus,  we host The Autumn Graduate and Placement Fair – the University’s flagship careers event and the biggest university careers fair in the UK, attracting over 6000 students and 200 organisations.

Deciphering the Loughborough Lingo

Here at Loughborough, you’ll pick up on some words and phrases which you might not understand. Fear not – speak like a true member of the #LboroFamily with our handy list of some of the most popular terms and abbreviations you might hear around campus.

Freshers bucket list

You’ve made it to Loughborough! Hi, and a big welcome to the #LboroFamily. Now all the excitement of moving in is over, we’ve put together a list of quintessential Loughborough experiences to help you make the most of your first few weeks in the bubble.

DJ Society | Focus Series

Jack, chair of DJ Society, shares how his society showcases the best of student DJ talent. If your passion lies with live techno and house music, drop these guys a line. 

AU Volleyball l Focus Series

Jessica talks about her experience as a member of AU Volleyball. If you are interested in joining them, make sure you don’t miss their trials on the 5th October!  

French Society | Focus Series

Marina, the Chair of French Society, tells us her plans for the society this upcoming year. She talks about how their community helps to overcome homesickness and all the activities they organise for society members.