We’ve been looking at intergrating the Koha LMS with the LORLS reading list management system, as we know of sites using Koha that are interested in LORLS (and also because we’re interested in seeing how Koha works!).  After getting the basic integration for looking up works using Koha’s Z39.50 server and finding out item holdings/availability working last week, the next thing to tackle was to get loan histories out of Koha.

We use loan histories in LORLS’s purchase predictor code. We need to be able to grab an XML feed of both current and old loan issues, which is then used to work out what the peak number of concurrent loans have been made for an item and thus whether it has had sufficient demand to warrant purchasing additional copies.

For the current loans we need to know the date and time they were issued and for old issues we want both the issue date/time and the return date/time. For both current and old loan issues we also want to know the type (status) of the item (“long_loan”, “short_loan”, etc) and which department the borrower of the loan came from. The latter is so that we can apportion purchasing costs between different departments for the cases where multiple modules include the same books on their reading lists.

The item status is fairly easy to do in Koha – we’d already created item types in Koha and these can easily be mapped in the Perl code that implements the XML API into the long_loan, short_loan, week_loan, etc status format our purchase predictor code already expects.  Indeed if we wanted to we could make the items types in Koha just be “long_loan”, “short_loan” and “week_loan” so no mapping would be required, but a mapping function adds a bit of flexibility.

The borrowers’ department is a bit more involved.  It appears that in Koha this would be an “extended attribute” which needs to be enabled (it doesn’t appear to be on by default).  I created an extended borrower attribute type of called DEPT, and then entered some of Loughborough’s department codes as a controlled vocabulary for it.  In real life these would have to be slipped into Koha as part of a regularly (probably daily) borrower upload from our central reservation systems, which is roughly how we do it with our production Aleph LMS.  In our test environment I just added the extended attribute value manual to a couple of test users so that we could play with the code.

At the end of this posting you’ll find the resulting Perl code for creating this simple XML feed, which Koha sites might find handy even if they don’t use LORLS. One interesting thing to note in Koha is that the isbn field of the biblioitems table appears to contain more than one ISBN, separated by white space and vertical bar character (” | “). This means that you need to do a “like” match on the ISBN. This was a little unexpected and took me a while to track down what was wrong with my SQL when I had a simple “=” rather than a “like” in the select statements! The separation of biolios (works), biblioitems (manifestations) and items (er, items) is nicely done though.


use strict;
use lib '/usr/share/koha/lib';
use CGI;
use DBI;
use C4::Context;

$| = 1;
my $q = new CGI;
my $isbn = $q->param('isbn');
my $dept_code = $q->param('dept_code');
my $return_period = $q->param('return_period') || 365;

print STDOUT "Content-type: text/xmlnn";
print STDOUT "<loan_history>n";

my $status_map = {
    'BK' => 'long_loan',
    'SL BOOK' => 'short loan',
    'WL BOOK' => 'week loan',
    'REFBOOK' => 'reference',

my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $total_number = 0;

my $sql =
    'select items.itemnumber, issues.issuedate, biblioitems.itemtype, ' .
    '       borrower_attributes.attribute ' .
    'from biblioitems, items, issues, borrowers, borrower_attributes, ' .
    '     borrower_attribute_types ' .
    'where biblioitems.isbn like ' . $dbh->quote("%$isbn%") . ' and ' .
    '      biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber and ' .
    '      items.itemnumber = issues.itemnumber and ' .
    '      issues.borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber and ' .
    '      borrowers.borrowernumber = borrower_attributes.borrowernumber and '.
    '      borrower_attributes.code = borrower_attribute_types.code and ' .
    '      borrower_attribute_types.description = "Department" and ' .
    '      borrower_attributes.attribute = ' . $dbh->quote($dept_code);

my $currentloan = $dbh->prepare($sql);
while (my ($id, $issuedate, $status, $bor_type) = $currentloan->fetchrow_array) {
    $status = $status_map->{$status};
    print STDOUT "  <loan>n";
    print STDOUT "    <issue_date>$issuedate</issue_date>n";
    print STDOUT "    <status>$status</status>n";
    print STDOUT "    <dept_code>$bor_type</dept_code>n";
    print STDOUT "    <number>1</number>n";
    print STDOUT "    <current>Y<current>n";
    print STDOUT "  </loan>n";

my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime(time-($return_period * 24 * 60 * 60));
$year += 1900;
my $target_date = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",$year,$mon,$mday);

$sql =
    'select items.itemnumber, old_issues.issuedate, old_issues.returndate, ' .
    '       biblioitems.itemtype, borrower_attributes.attribute ' .
    'from biblioitems, items, old_issues, borrowers, borrower_attributes, ' .
    '     borrower_attribute_types ' .
    'where biblioitems.isbn like ' . $dbh->quote("%$isbn%") . ' and ' .
    '      biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber and ' .
    '      items.itemnumber = old_issues.itemnumber and ' .
    '      old_issues.returndate > ' . $dbh->quote($target_date) . ' and ' .
    '      old_issues.borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber and ' .
    '      borrowers.borrowernumber = borrower_attributes.borrowernumber and '.
    '      borrower_attributes.code = borrower_attribute_types.code and ' .
    '      borrower_attribute_types.description = "Department" and ' .
    '      borrower_attributes.attribute = ' . $dbh->quote($dept_code);
my $pastloan = $dbh->prepare($sql);

while (my ($id, $issuedate, $return_date, $status, $bor_type) = $pastloan->fetchrow_array)
    $status = $status_map->{$status};
    print STDOUT "  <loan>n";
    print STDOUT "    <issue_date>$issuedate</issue_date>n";
    print STDOUT "    <return_date>$returndate</return_date>n";
    print STDOUT "    <status>$status</status>n";
    print STDOUT "    <dept_code>$bor_type</dept_code>n";
    print STDOUT "    <number>1</number>n";
    print STDOUT "    <current>N<current>n";
    print STDOUT "  </loan>n";

print STDOUT " <total_loan_count>$total_number</total_loan_count>n";

print STDOUT "</loan_history>n";