
LUMP Standard XML Response format
    LUMP provides a web technologies based API that can be used to access
    data and create new tools. It is based around a set of RESTful CGI
    scripts that return XML encoded results. The XML that is returned obeys
    the following DTD:

     <!ELEMENT response (returns|session,error)>
     <!ELEMENT session (security_hash|lump_version|acting_as)>
     <!ELEMENT error (error_message|error_code)>
     <!ELEMENT security_hash (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT lump_version (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT acting_as (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT error_message (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT error_code (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT returns (su|child_structural_unit_type|data_type_group|acl|#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT su (children|id|data+)>
     <!ELEMENT children (su+)>
     <!ELEMENT id (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT data (data_type|data_element+)>
     <!ELEMENT data_element (id|value)>
     <!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT data_type (id|name|edit_representation|validation_pattern|
     <!ELEMENT data_type_group (id|rank|title|data_type+)>
     <!ELEMENT edit_representation (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT validation_pattern (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT repeatable (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT size (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT child_structural_unit_type (id|name)>
     <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT rank (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
     <!ELEMENT acl (id|view|edit|structural_unit_id|user_group_id|data_type_group_id)>

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