Extending the Structural Unit Types available
One additional Structural Unit Type (SUT) that we have been asked for is Audio Visual (AV) material, e.g. CDs, DVDs, Film, etc. While we’ve manually added an AV SUT to our local instance we didn’t have an easy way to extend this to other instances of LORLS.
So to tackle this we have put together a quick Perl script that can be run from the command line which adds in the new AV SUT. If your LORLS install doesn’t have an AV Material SUT and you would like to add it then here are the instructions to do so:
- Back up your LORLS install (Don’t forget the database as this will be altered)
- Download the latest extendSUTs script (e.g. wget “https://blog.lboro.ac.uk/lorls/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2014/11/extendSUTs”)
- Make the script executable (e.g. chmod +x extendSUTs)
- Run the script (e.g. ./extendSUTs –database=<database> –user=<database user>)
- When prompted enter the database user’s password
- If the script fails due to missing the Term::ReadKey Perl module then install it and try the script again (RedHat/CentOS should just need to run “sudo yum install perl-TermReadKey”)
- Once the script has run open a new browser session and try adding a new AV Material entry to a test list.
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