Britain’s famous red top newspapers struggle to find their voice in general election

Strident partisanship in the popular press has a lengthy history. And the wrath of the British tabloids used to give politicians considerable pause for thought, particularly during elections. The long defunct Daily Sketch, for example, consistently attacked the Labour party throughout the 1950s. But it was the late 1970s that marked a step-change. Having bought […]

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Women lose out again in election media coverage

Even with female party leaders women have featured in barely a fifth of media coverage of the 2015 General Election so far, researchers at Loughborough University have found. Academics from the University’sCommunication Research Centre(CRC) are conducting a real time news audit of the 2015 General Election campaign, lifting the lid each week on what media […]

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Pints and pratfalls: for UKIP, all publicity is good publicity

Nigel Farage has claimed his comments about repealing racial discrimination legislation in the workplace were “wilfully misrepresented”. Viewers can see his remarks in context in the Channel 4 documentary Things We Won’t Say About Race That Are True. Whether the political and media furore represented fair comment or rough treatment is a matter for debate, […]

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