“Of Moguls, Monsters and Men”: Annual Communication and Media Lecture by Professor Karen Boyle

We are happy to announce the 2nd Annual Communication and Media lecture, to be held on the 11th of February from 4-6pm in the James Frances Building (CC.0.21) at Loughborough University. Feminist theory on the inter-relationship of gender and violence is built on an understanding that violence and sexual domination are inherent in dominant and […]

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Upcoming PhD Workshop “Populism, Discourse, Radical Democracy”, Loughborough University

Note: due to the restrictions caused by COVID-19, this workshop has been postponed. We will announce a new date for the next academic year as soon as the circumstances allow it. Once at the theoretical margins of political science, the ‘Essex School’ of discourse analysis inspired by the pioneering work of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal […]

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Election 2019: The Brexit Campaign? Loughborough University London, 31st January

Loughborough University Centre for Research in Communication & Culture and Ipsos MORI in conjunction with the British Polling Council present Election 2019: The Brexit Campaign? This General Election returned the first Conservative government with a large parliamentary majority for the first time in more than a generation. By contrast the campaign ended in disappointment for Labour and the Liberal Democrats […]

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Improving the Health of Our Online Civic Culture: A New Centre for Doctoral Training at Loughborough University

Established in 2018 with a £300,000 award from Loughborough University’s Adventure Research Programme, the Online Civic Culture Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) applies cutting-edge concepts and methods from social science and information science to understand the role of social media in shaping our civic culture. Led by Professor Andrew Chadwick, it features a team of […]

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How Prevalent are Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers on Social Media? Not as Much as Conventional Wisdom Has It

A few days ago, a tweet by Rasmus Nielsen inspired me to think about the widespread idea that most social media users only engage with political viewpoints they already agree with. The argument that social media are “echo chambers” or “filter bubbles” often looks like a truism in public discourse across Western democracies, chiefly but […]

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Britain’s ‘missing’ Muslim women

Whether British citizens with Muslim beliefs are sufficiently committed to “British values” and to a “British way of life” is a topic of intense political and media debate. Now a new report on “Missing Muslims” launched by the Citizens Commission on Islam, Participation and Public Life on July 3 has challenged the allegation that Muslim […]

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How the Conservatives’ media strategy collapsed during the election campaign

There is no question that the surprising result occurred despite excoriating criticism of the main opposition party from the right-wing press. However, detailed analysis of mainstream news coverage by Loughborough University shows there were plenty of signs that the Conservative Party was losing control of the media election as the campaign unfolded.

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