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DRN Conferences and Events

The DRN hosts events on behalf of the drawing community on a semi regular basis.  This page serves as a repository for current and previous events.

Drawing Research Network Events- organised by the Drawing Research Group, Loughborough University

DRN2024 Drawing Repetition Online Events:

DRN2023 Drawing in Relation Online Events:

DRN2022 Ecologies of Drawing Online Events:

DRN2021 Temporal Drawing Online Events:

Previous DRN events

DRN2019: Embodied Drawing (Schedule) 11-12/07, Loughborough University, UK.

DRN2018: PhD Drawing Research Methodologies, 08/09, Loughborough University, UK.

DRN2017: Drawing||Phenomenology: tracing lived experience through drawing, 07-08/09, Loughborough University, UK.

DRN2016: Tracing the Bridge. 05-06/09, Loughborough University, UK.

DRN2014: PhD Drawing Methodologies, co-convened with Prof Jill Journeaux, 23/10, Coventry University, UK.

DRN 2013:  Interweavings: Pedagogy, Methodology and Research. 24-26/10, Teachers College Columbia University and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA

DRN 2012: Drawing Knowledge. 10-11/09, Loughborough University, UK

DRN 2011: Drawing Research Network. 05/10, Lisbon, Portugal

DRN 2010: Observation:Mapping:Dialogue. 14/09, University of Brighton, Grand Parade Campus, UK

DRN 2009: Thinking Through Drawing. 08/10, Cochrane Theatre, Southampton Row, London, UK

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