Rethinking Our Communicative Pasts: Radical and Reparatory Perspectives
The CRCC scholar Burçe Çelik, along with Anaïs Carlton-Parada (Loughborough University London) and Nelson Costa Ribeiro (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa) are co-organising a two-day international workshop at the Loughborough University London campus on 25 and 26 April 2024.
Bringing more than 25 leading and emerging scholars together, the workshop aims to foster discussions on how to employ historical and archival research for a radically inclusive study of media, communication and culture that problematises the West-centric (and masculinist) epistemologies.
While discussions on decolonisation of Westcentric knowledge and canon are ongoing in the UK and beyond, the workshop aims to expand and complicate this discussion by mainly asking:
‘How can we approach our shared communicative pasts to produce novel perspectives and conceptualisations towards a radically inclusive study of media, communication, and culture? Moreover, if theory often relies on a (mis)interpretation of the past, how can we rethink the past and the past-presents to challenge dominant theoretical approaches and conceptualisations in our discipline?’
In particular, we aim to complicate these approaches which are ill-fitted with heterogeneous experiences of the Global South, racialised bodies and collectives, and colonised and oppressed populations. If history and archives have been key to the architecture of epistemic and epistemological injustices, how can we think of the transformation of historical and archival research toward the formation of reparatory historical narratives? How can we learn from the experiences of those whose pasts were excluded from dominant narratives?
Throughout these two days, panels and roundtable discussions will focus on issues ranging from questions around media and empires, counter-media and counter-archival movements, radical histories of communication to feminist and more-than-human constructions of memory and time and reframing representations of marginalised historical actors.
There will also be a seminar by Dan Schiller on a critical history of telecommunications and US imperialism, and by Martha Evans on liberation movement communication in South Africa. The workshop will also feature a book talk on Communications in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire: A Critical History with discussions by Nelson Costa Ribeiro, Ana Cristina Suzina and Burçe Çelik.
The event will be also live-streamed and all can join by using the links in the program below.
Rethinking Our Communicative Pasts: Radical and Reparatory Perspectives 25-26 April 2024 Room 401 (4th floor) (Loughborough University London, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park The Broadcast Centre Here East, Lesney Avenue, London, E20 3B) Thursday 25 April (Teams LINK; bit.ly/3W182wq) 9:00 –9:30 Registration & Welcome Burçe Çelik (Loughborough University London), Anaïs Carlton-Parada (Loughborough University London), Nelson Costa Ribeiro (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa) 9:30 –11:30 Panel 1: Media and Empire: Pasts and Presents Chair: Nelson Costa Ribeiro Lee Grieveson (University College London): “The Past Keeps Becoming the Future” Simon Potter (University of Bristol): “Building Empires on Air: (Re)writing Histories of British Public and Colonial Broadcasting” Anjali DasSarma (University of Pennsylvania): “Narratives of White Normativity and the Political Economy of Slavery: Revisiting Publick Occurrences, The Boston News-Letter, and the Origin Story of America’s Early Press” Isadora de Ataide Fonseca (Universidade Católica Portuguesa): “Imperial Public Sphere: A Resilient Concept to Rethinking Our Communicative Past?” Dominique Trudel (Audencia Business School): “Exploring New Territories in the History of Media and Communication Research: Robert Estivals and French SIC as Political Avant-Garde” 11:30 –12:00 Coffee Break 12:00 –13:00 Roundtable: Cultural Imperialism and Counter-Movements (NWICO) Lars Diurlin (Stockholm University), ShinJoung Yeo (CUNY, Queens College), Sašo Slaček Brlek (University of Ljubljana) Moderated by Thomas Tufte (Loughborough University London) 13:00 –14:00 Lunch 14:00 –15:00 Roundtable 2: Towards Radical Histories in Media and Communication Omar Al-Ghazzi (London School of Economics), Philipp Seuferling (London School of Economics), Wendy Willems (London School of Economics) Moderated by Burçe Çelik 15:00 –15:30 Coffee break 15:30 –16:30 Seminar by Dan Schiller (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) “Telecommunications and US Empire: A Brief History” Introduction and Moderation by ShinJoung Yeo 17:00 –18:00+ Book Talk with Drinks (@ Future Space, Ground Floor) Communications in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire: A Critical History Burçe Çelik, Nelson Costa Ribeiro Moderated by Ana Cristina Suzina (Loughborough University London) Friday 26 April ( bit.ly/43YU2F6) 9:30 –11:00 Panel 3: Memory and Time Chair: Pandora Syperek (Loughborough University London) Victoria Browne (Loughborough University): “Feminist Historiography and the Pasts and Presents of Abortion Activism” Clara de Massol de Rebetz (Kings College): “Remembering the Anthropocene: Memorials Beyond the Human” Kaya de Wolff (University of Frankfurt ) and Jephta U Nguherimo: “Our Problem is that we don’t write papers”: Co-authoring as an Approach to Decolonise the Scholarship Related to the Memory of the OvaHeroro and Nama Genocide” Claudia Magallanes-Blanco (Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla): “Forget About the Media. Let’s Focus on (Indigenous) Communication” 11:00 –11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 –13:00 Panel 4: Politics of Erasures and Counter-Archives Chair: Anais Carlton-Parada (Loughborough University London) Farangis Ghaderi (University of Exeter): “Erased Kurdish Women’s Histories: In Search of Kurdish Women’s Voices in Archives” Asli Ozgen-Havekotte (University of Amsterdam): “(Un)Seen, (Un)Heard: Diasporic Audiovisual Heritage and Speculative Turn in Archival Studies” Sahika Erkonan (University of Cambridge): “Embodiment and Counter-Memory in the Diaspora: The Case of the Armenian Genocide” Afaf Jabiri (University of East London): “Epistemic Violence of Anti-Palestinianism, Intersectionality and Decoloniality of Feminist Knowledge” 13:00 –14:00 Lunch 14:00-16:00 Panel 5: Rethinking Historical Actors and Representations Chair: Burçe Çelik Kristin Skoog (Bournemouth University): “(Re)searching Women in Broadcasting History” Stephanie Seul (University of Bremen) “Writing Women into the Historical Narrative of War Reporting: Avis Waterman, “The Times” Correspondent on the Italian Front During the First World War” Manuel Carvalho Coutinho (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa): “If (only) Archives Could Speak: Portugal’s Censorship Records and Its Historical Implications” Naomi Smith (Birkbeck College): “An Intersectional Analysis of National Television News Coverage of the 1992 Los Angeles Uprising” Farbod Honarpisheh (Yale University): “Our Disciplinary Past: Zigzagging Our Ways in and out of History and Frame” 16:00 –16:30 Coffee Break 16:30 –17:30 Seminar By Martha Evans (University of Cape Town): ‘Covering Our Tracks’: Archival Research on Liberation Movement Communication in South Africa” Introduction and Moderation by Cuthbeth Tagwieri (Loughborough University London) |