Participate in a usability study and receive a £20 Amazon voucher for your time

Graduate Prospects is recruiting individuals to participate in a website usability study:


The study will be conducted remotely. This means you can choose where you want to be. You will need to have access to a computer with internet connection and a telephone.


Mid-September, we will arrange a time and date to suit you. This will take no longer than an hour.


You will be invited to an online meeting, you’ll need your phone as well (we will ring you), then you’ll just be asked to look at a section of a website, use it and tell us what you think.


If you are interested please email by 12th September with the following information:

• Your name
• Which university or institution are your currently studying at?
• Whether you are an undergraduate/postgraduate
• Whether you are an international or home student.
• Year of study
• Subject of study
• Daytime phone number
• Email address
• Have you been to any careers events/fairs?
• Have you sought any careers advice?
• Have you sought advice on CV writing, application forms, interviews?
• A sentence or two about career plans you have (if any).


Please note that the sessions will be recorded for internal use at Graduate Prospects and viewed by Higher Education Careers Advisers to allow us to improve the user experience of the website.

Your details: Please indicate in your email if you’re happy for us to keep your details for any future website usability studies.





Mindshare competition

On November 13th 2014, Mindshare UK will open its doors to a host of pioneering people at the frontiers of technology, science, film, music, publishing, data, social, mobile, video, gaming and far beyond for its fourth annual Huddle. Our mission? To inspire and invent.

Together with clients including Nike, Unilever, Nestle, Three and ITV as well as our partners such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, Spotify and Channel 4 we will question, debate, experiment, play, hack and make stuff.

And we want YOU to be a part of it.

See leaflet for more details

Download Student Form to apply

Graduate profile of the month

September’s profile is Daniel O’Flynn. Daniel graduated in 2013 with a MChem in

Chemistry. He is now studying for a PhD in Chemical Synthesis in Bristol Universities Centre for Doctoral Training


Where are you now?

I am now doing a PhD in Chemical Synthesis in Bristol Universities Centre for Doctoral Training (BCS CDT). This is a slightly different PhD program to the conventional PhD route.  It involves an initial seven month training period prior to starting a PhD project.  In the training period I have been able to carry out three 7-week lab rotations in different research groups. This has allowed me to gain experience with new equipment, new chemistry and new techniques that I was previously unfamiliar with. Additionally, it also involves a lecture course, tutorial and workshop sessions, problem sessions, presentations in journal club, and brainstorming potential PhD projects. I am now coming to the end of the seven month training period and will be starting my PhD project in mid-April.

How did you get there?

During my industrial placement year I received an email about the Chemical Synthesis CDT at Bristol and was instantly interested.  The advantages over the conventional PhD route were obvious to me.  Carrying out three lab rotations in different research groups sounded like a great way to start at a new university, allowing me to meet the supervisors/research groups and get a feeling for the place.  I could then make an informed decision about which PhD supervisor/project I will  choose for the next three and half years. The Careers and Employability Centre and my personal tutor helped me to perfect my CV and I applied to Bristol University on their application website. I was able to get an interview a month or so later and everything happened relatively quickly from there.

Where are you going?

I am just about to finish the initial training period and will be starting my PhD project in mid-April.  By way of ambitions, I hope that the PhD and my time at Bristol goes smoothly, ideally stumbling upon new chemistry that I can publish in journals.  In the longer term, I wish to obtain my PhD and go into research in industry. At this moment in time, a career in pharmaceutical/agrochemical research would be my desired career choice.

What if anything would you have done differently during your time at Loughborough University to help you prepare better for your career/life upon graduation?

During my time at Loughborough I was very concerned about getting the best results I could in exams and coursework by learning what I had to learn.  If I could of done anything differently I would of asked more questions during lectures (like ‘Why?’) to deepen my understanding of concepts that would be extremely useful to me during my PhD and future career.

What advice would you give to a student studying your subject at university now?

I would definitely say enjoy it, try to keep motivated, don’t let the work pile up and ask lots of questions.  Additionally, it’s also worth making sure you understand and refresh on the basics throughout the course, as the basics are going to be fundamental when the hard stuff kicks in.  Finally, I would say enjoy the union while you’re there…I miss FND!

For more profiles click here

Mavens: Interactive design job – win an internship

Mavens: Interactive design job
Prize: Paid internship
Deadline: 8 September 2014

Mavens are looking for a designer who can create an interactive piece of content. To be in with a chance of winning this paid piece of work, all you have to do is submit your portfolio and examples of interactive content you have previously produced. Enter here

Mindshare: Huddle Competition

 Mindshare: Huddle Competition

Prize: Run your own session at Huddle 2014
Deadline: 12 September 2014
For your chance to chance to work alongside facebook, Google, Spotify, ITV, Sky, Unilever, Nike, Nestle and many more…

Simply submit an idea for a Huddle session and you could not only be invited to one of the hottest events of the year, but also run your own Huddle there! It’s an amazing chance to really make an impact in the industry. Enter here



So you have a degree… Now what?

Get your career off to a flying start at the National Graduate Recruitment Exhibitions.

This is your opportunity to place yourself infront of the UK’s top graduate employers, and benefit from expert advice on your CV, career choice and job-hunting techniques!

Don’t miss out on this year’s National Graduate Recruitment Exhibitions – save the dates in your diary or better yet, register here to get fast-track entry.

Olympia, London – 10 & 11 October 2014 

Birmingham, NEC – 7 & 8 November 2014

Chemistry World Jobs Live

chemistry_world26 November 2014
Burlington House, London, UK


The Royal Society of Chemistry is committed to advancing excellence in the chemical sciences and at Chemistry World Jobs Live you will discover the support we offer that can help you to harness and exploit your talent and ambition.

If you are:

  • looking for your first job
  • exploring the idea of a career change
  • dealing with redundancy
  • seeking a new challenge.

Chemistry World Jobs Live will provide inspiration, guidance and opportunity to support your journey.

You can:

  • meet key employers from across the chemical sciences;
  • discover a huge range of career opportunities;
  • take part in a science communication workshop;
  • attend a ‘Meet the professionals’ session;

and more.

Follow the latest news @ChemistryWorldJobs #CWJLive

Attendance is free – so register now.

FinTech Careers Fair

Tuesday, 2 September 2014 from 2pm – 6pm


Are you ready to meet the next big players in FinTech and be given an opportunity to work with them?


Startupbootcamp FinTech, the world’s leading accelerator program focused on FinTech startups, is hosting Meet the Young Talent at the Rainmaking Loft for promising graduates and students.


This event is a chance for driven and talented individuals to seek opportunities within fast-growth companies. The startups are looking for interns and entry-level professionals that support them in various aspects of their business, from sales and coding to marketing and business development.


The 10 amazing teams include:

  • Creditable
  • Epiphyte
  • Friendlyscore
  • Invoicesharing
  • Insly
  • Liquity
  • milliPay
  • m-changa
  • Tab
  • investUp

See for details:


Become an Oxfam Constituency Campaigner

We’re looking for volunteer Constituency Campaigners UK-wide.

If you hate injustice and poverty and want to see change, we can give you the knowledge, tools and support to get your voice heard by local, national and even global decision makers.

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Affairs Team to apply – and learn how to make your voice really count.

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