2014 International Student (Non EU) Careers Fair

Every year, tens of thousands of international students leave their families and friends to come to study in the UK. However, years later, most of them leave UK without any work experience, needless to say full time work permit (Tier 2) offer. This places them to a disadvantaged position when they are trying to compete with the local students back home who, while their friends are overseas, have built a more extensive local network and they also tend to have a lower expectation for their 1st job.

Career Interactive (‘CI’ for short) believes that Working Experience is an integral part of every international student’s UK experience. The company’s ethos ‘every student, no matter where they come from, deserves at least one work experience opportunity whilst doing their degrees in the UK’ is deeply engrained in the company’s culture and originate everything we do. That is why on 30th Jan 2013, CI has initiated and successfully held the UK’s 1st ever Career Fair exclusively for international (non EU) students at London Canada Water Library.

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